Sunday, July 03, 2005

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

Oh! Tomorrow, or rather today, I'll be going to church! Pastor Prince is back! Missed him missed him! Really love him as a pastor. We're so blessed that Abba is using him to feed us His precious truths. :)

And I'm really looking forward to the pedicure tomorrow with two of my sisters from nursery. Wow, this is the life! I love to make my feet look pretty. I think it's a pleasure to keep this temple in 'good condition'. Of course, it's not only me. The Lord is the one who builds this house. :) And the temple of God is always gorgeous! Amen!

You know, I just got this magnet with the big letters T.G.I.F. on it. It means Thank God I'm Female :D And this phrase has been lingering at the back of my mind - for the past month, I've forgotten how to enjoy being a female. It's not about clothes or make-up at all. It's about the spirit.

This afternoon, as I was surfing, I read a blog entry. This girl was just saying all the negative stuff about herself and ended with the words "Don't you just hate me?" And I thought, that's so sad. Sometimes we look to ourselves, think we can be better and then despise ourselves because we're not. That's the tragedy.

It just reminded me how important it is for me to look at myself through Abba's loving eyes. A beloved princess. It's not what I do. It's whose I am and this leads to who I am.

So let me tell you why it's great to be Jesus' woman. :)

I know I am pure, sanctified by Him, chosen and set apart, precious in His sight. I take pride knowing that I am different because I am His. It's being separated because I am special and treasured. It's wonderful to know that because I do not conform to the world, I become unique, not common.

What is beauty?

Hmm.. beauty is knowing that I am made in His image. Imagine! God is a spirit but this is how He looks bodily. And come on, He took 7 days to create the earth and all that is in it, and 9 months to fashion me.

Look around you, at the sunset, at the flowers, the seas, the mountains, the waterfalls... of how much more beauty are you to Him than all these things!

Beauty is not measured by what society terms as beautiful. I kinda of think that beauty is a spirit. Pastor Lawrence once said, "Some girls put on so much making, look so pretty, then go around with a black face. Come on! Wear a smile!" (Pastor is NOT against make-up) He's saying that a smile is the best accessory. :)

Next time you look into the mirror, don't look out for flaws. Look out for your best assets. :)

Put on that twinkle in the eye, that happy smile. Thank God for almond shaped eyes, and dark coloured, full hair. For that full figure and fats in all the right places. For that spring in your step, and style in your spirit. For that hope in your heart, and love in the air.

Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Have you ever sought to see the glory of Jesus in others? Or even the image of God in others? Sometimes I wonder, if that's being too idealistic... But I shouldn't let my fears of misjudgment colour the way I look at people. And to know that my trust is in Him. I love how God says it. "Be as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves."

I love what Pastor said is a 'lethal' combination - young body, old mind. Like the eagle. Think about it. We are already born-again in the spirit and transformed, from the spirit, to the soul, then it touches the body. The born-again spirit must be the most beautiful glorious being. And by beholding, it will touch the mind, will and emotions.

Sex appeal, I think, is in the generousity of heart (the ability to love and give) and in the personality and depth of the mind (not in terms of intellect only... have you wondered what happens to the 90% we don't use?) It is not limited to the body.

Granted, to a certain extent, it's the sum of the parts. But it's the least. A good body, a beautiful face, one may easily get used to. But the playground of the mind and the depth of the heart, takes a lifetime to be explored. And praise God, when the Lord is involved in the marriage, we keep growing and hence discovering more and more about the other. How can one not fall more and more in love with one's spouse as he is being transformed from glory to glory?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O, my beloved sister Sally. How I love thy artful wit! ;)

Agree about the feet and our bodies being the temple of the Holy Spirit where He dwells.

You know, I got this revelation afresh lately where if my hair/figure/whatever! belong to God, then He maintains it. Not my problem, Daddy owns it what!

And yeah, sex appeal is not physical. Check out my entry on moblog too: S** APPEAL coz the thing refused to let me enter the word 'sex'.

Bye! :)