I can't believe how good He is to me! Everytime, man, I'm telling you, everytime, I go to Sunday service, bible study, or caregroup, He just have something for me.
Just got back from CG meeting, waiting for my hair to dry. :D These are the notes I jotted down in my notebook tonight. Be blessed! :)
Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. (3 John 2)
Question: How do I respond to trials?
1. See it as bread (lo-ti). Yum :) Remember, I have already won. My victory is in His finished work.
2. Seeing the good at the end - having such a consciousness of God's love and hence, the certainty of His promises, allows me to walk the journey, bumpy as it may be.
3. Learning to enjoy 'the pits' - 'cos when I can't get any lower, any move must be from God! I would even venture to say, God must move!
4. Keep myself in the love of God
Question: How to made God's love a reality in my life?
Remember Mary? One thing is needful - to sit at His feet. Mary drank the living waters for herself. (nowhere else did Jesus mention any other thing being needful, except that one thing)
The love of God is TORRENTIAL, it pours! Never ceasing! This is His love for mmeeeee!
Analogy of water creating a dent in concrete...
That which has impact, is the constant focus of water of the floor.
Consistently personalise God's love. It seems like I'm the only one that Jesus loves.
Don't just say, yes, yes, God loves the world and the flowers and the bees 'cos He is love.. no, no, no! God loves YOU. 'cos it's true, God loves YOU! And you know what? It's with a PASSION.
How do I know God loves me passionately?
I look to the cross. To His death. His manner of death. That's how much He loves me!
How can I 'feel' His love?
Personalise worship. Singing with my heart. It's not just words. During worship, it is God engaging me. It's not "we worship", it's "I worship", not "our lives", it's "my life", not "loves us", it's "love me".
Attend service like I've never heard it before. With an expectation to receive. With thanksgiving in my heart 'cos I know that He is gonna feed me real well. That He has already anointed the leaders over me 'cos He loves me!
When I have the consciousness of His personal love, the way I perceive circumstances will be different and because of my consciousness and my perception, my circumstances will change to reflect His love and glory in my life!
He lives in my life. I serve a living God!
He is the lamb upon the throne in my life. He is exalted in my life!
LET the love flow inside.
2. GIVING helps us to be conscious of God's love
Litmus test :D To the extent you know how much God loves you is how much of other people's nonsense you can take.
There is now, no condemnation, even self-condemnation, in Christ.
Go out with peace, led forth with joy!
When you think you've 'lost' the first love, do the first works. i.e. do whatever reminds you of His love.
God' love changes my countenance! (Better than any makeover, shopping, make-up, slimming programmes can ever do.. :D)
If people don't love me, they 'loo-gi'.
Be a child to the Father.
Like children, carefree! Have you seen children enjoying the fountain (check out the one at Bugis) - no self-consciousness at all! The only consciousness I want to have is Abba's love for me!
Once I am more conscious of myself as constantly, the beloved, the spiritual forces start to bow to me as a spiritual authority. The spiritual atmosphere will change and hence, the natural atmosphere too.
It is not how much scripture I know, it is how much I am convinced in my heart that Abba loves me.
The love of God is a heart message.
When you're conscious of His love, you make meaning out of everything. I find Abba talking to me out of everyday experiences - relationships, circumstances.. etc
When I'm conscious of His love, I won't settle for mediocrity.
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