Friday, September 02, 2005

God creates beauty

Yesterday, I was looking after some children. In came this rather frazzled parent with his child. They were of Middle-Eastern origin.

In Singapore, we're a multi-racial society. But middle-eastern is well, pretty 'exotic' He left his boy, a precocious, intelligent, active 4 year old who flittered from toy to toy.

Oh, I think it's so blessed to have children! They are a joy, and they remind me how to live life in unconscious enjoyment. We had a corner with a play stove and food. He had spent some time cooking, and as children were wont to do, got diverted and was playing 'chess' with me.

Suddenly, he got up and cried, "oh, oh, the food is burning, the food is burning!" And hurried over to his stove to check on the cooking! hahaha :D It was hilarious! I wonder how many times he observed his mum saying the same thing. Talk about a reality show. :)

I think children have that capacity to live life with glee. Wish we remember that! After all, we are sons of the Most High!

Anyway, later I found out that he was Turkish. I took a close look at father and son...

Have you ever thought, we are all human beings, with two eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth. Yet different, not only between the races but also individuals. We all look different but still beautiful.

Abba is so creative. And He creates beauty.

I'm a fan of sci-fiction, particularly Star Trek. And the aliens (or, like my Pastor likes to humorously call them, the 'ah-lians'.. local joke..) are so weird and quite ugly. In the bid to make different aliens, they create these beings with different skin colour, funny antennas, scaly skin etc...

Our imagination simply cannot compare with His.

With one single entity, the homosapiens, He has created a myriad of races, of colour and diversity using a single template. It is in the nuances - the shape of the eye, the colour of the hair, the skin shade, the intonation of voice; even culturally, in the physical facial and verbal expression and of shared values.

I think the beauty is all in the details. He pays such attention to details, much like delicate art. It's in all creation. In the freshness of flora, the abundant blueness of the sky, the tangy smell of rain, the comedic giraffes and elephants (who says God does not have a sense of humour?), the majesty of mountains and waterfalls and the serenity of a sunset.

I simply cannot comprehend that the world, with all it's wonders came out from some black hole or something. If one would take the time and simply contemplate a blade of grass or feel the caress of the wind, His presence and beauty would just seep through my consciousness. All creation shouts His name.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.

All things were created through Him and for Him.

And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

Colossians 1:15-17

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