E.W. Kenyon said that! The above title. I'm flipping through the pages of "The Blood Covenant" lent to me by a beloved sister. Below is a few paragraphs extracted from a chapter:-
"Do you know what hinders our faith toay?
We go before the Lord, BUT we listen to the devil before we go there. We go there with a sense of inferiority, the devil's message ringing in our ears!
Christians as a whole are afraid of Satan, dare not say they are free, dare not face Satan.
God's Righteousness makes you fearless in Satan's presence.
We rob the work of Jesus Christ of its efficacy, and we stand pwoerless before the adversary because we have doubted the integrity of the Word of God.
God's righteousness has been imparted to you, not as an "experience," but as a legal fact.
This is the most tremendous truth that God has given us in the Pauline REvelation, and this is the very heart of the New Covenant, that God makes us like Himself.
Weren't you made in His image and likeness?
That image is an image of righteousness.
If God declares that you are righteous, what business have you to condemn yourself?
Are you a partner of Christ? Do you dwell in Christ? Does Christ dwell in you?
Paul said, "It is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me" Gal 2:20
The Incarnation was God becoming one with us.
The Blood Covenant made Paul disown himself and utterly own Christ as his life. It made Christ leave Glory and come here to be one with us.
Now you can stand asf earlessly in the presence of hell, in the presence of the devil, as you would inthe presence of some little inferior thing.
Didn't Jesus meet him and conquer him for us? Didn't He strip him of his authority? Didn't He take his armor from him, and didn't He leave him paralyzed?
Greater is He that is in us than the devil.
Why should we be afraid of him?
Why not stand before the world as a conqueror?
You are in blood covenant relationship with God Almighty.
Are you a partaker of the Divine nature? Yes.
Are you a son of God? Yes.
Has God given you His righteousness? Yes
Is God your righteousness? Certainly.
Then, has He given you a legal right to the use of Jesus' name? Certainly.
Do you see what kind of man you are?
You are not a weakling. You stand like the Son of God. You are a son of God.
I say it reverently, if I understand the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, this is the vision He has given me of it: that all of heaven's ability and heaven's glory and heaven's strength are at the dispoal of the believer.
This is the most miraculous thing the world ever saw.
I believe that in the last days there is going to be an unveiling of the power of God, and multitudes will arise and live.
If you believe on Jesus Christ, He IS your righteousness.
Then go out and act it. Dare to let God loose in you."
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