"It was Jehovah's feast, an expression of His own peculiar joy in the great event of which it was a shadow, and His redeemed people were gathered around Him to share that joy in His presence. What a wonderful thought is this! Jehovah keeping a feast in anticipation of the death of Christ! This passes our finite thought: we cannot comprehend it. What that death in all its fullness was to Him, no saint or angel can ever know. There were communications between Golgotha and the highest heaven, unknown and unknowable to man. That dying Sufferer was Jehovah's only son. That obedient, submissive Victim was the Lamb of God. That melted, tender heart, was the only heart on earth that ever and always beat true to God. Even in the hour of His darkest, deepest woe, He trusted in His God. 'He became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross,' and that in a world where disobedience to God had reigned supreme. That perfect obedience unto death; that complete surrender; that unswerving devotion, was a 'sweet savour' unto God. The Cross was a feast to Jehovah. It gave Him back more than sin had robbed Him of. Yes, blessed be God, there was that in the death of God's perfect, spotless Lamb which satisfied all His desires, and brought eternal salvation to all His people."
excerpt from "Feast of Jehovah - Foreshadows of Chrst in the calendar of Israel" by John Ritchie
A hymn for thought....
"To Calvary, Lord, in spirit now
Our joyful souls repair,
To dwell upon Thy dying love,
And taste its sweetness there."
and another...
"No longer far from Him, but now
By precious blood made nigh;
Accepted in the Well-Beloved,
Near to God's heart we lie."
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