My dear serious cyberager is probably not going to put this post of his list of 'inspiring reads'.. haha :D
Today, we had training on mortgage loans. The trainer from the bank was.. hmm.. suave.
Wasn't a hunk, just pleasant looking. What he had going for him is charisma.. comfortable charisma of the subtle kind.
I suppose, one would call it confidence. :) In the middle of the presentation, he said, in response to something the audience said, that he was 'distracted' by one of our colleagues in front. You know, it's the kind of teasing that is done with a wink. Then later, in front of all of us, he gave her his card. :D
Hmm... that's real attractive to me.. the style that is. He expressed his interest in a manner that was witty and non-intimidating. And left the ball (dinner invitation), without a doubt, in the girl's court. No pressure at all - 'cos she can either laugh over it with her friends or she can call him and they laugh over it over dinner :D
Now that's style and confidence.
I wondered what makes style and confidence?
To me, it's a matter of a total lack of self-consciousness, of boldly making the first move and not making it a 'life or death' situation.
I remember Abba told me once that flirtation and courtship is supposed to be fun. Didn't understand what He meant initially. Think I do, a little now. He means, "lighten-up! Don't take everything so seriously." :D
Hmm.. sometimes being in church, we may tend to take relationships, especially between the sexes too seriously. But if God is guarding our heart, then we should be comfortable with him/her as a brother/sister. (Of course, also apply wisdom - there are differences when handling male/female friendships) The moment we take things too seriously is when we are trying to handle it ourselves?
I recall, quite some time back, there was a brother who seemed to like me. Sometimes, catch him looking at moi. Unfortunately, he couldn't make up his mind about me... I think..
Met my friend today for lunch. She's a sister and ex-colleague too.
My first thought upon seeing her after 3 months (she was getting married then) was, boy she has put on so much weight, she looks pregnant!... waitaminute, is she pregnant??? What if she's not and I ask.. then like I'm calling her fat.. tact, tact, tact...
So I came up with a lame, "Eh.. did anything happen since I last saw you?"
"Yes, of course!"
"You're pregnant???"
"Yes..." (read duh..) :)
A woman in love is beautiful. A pregnant babe (a babe in a babe :D) is doubly so - got Abba's love, hubby's love and loving baby. She just glows with satisfaction! :D
Now, this dear sister is 2 years younger than moi, just got married 3 months ago, and expecting a babe already!
If I weren't so secure in Christ and if I weren't so convinced I'm a daughter of Sarah (1 Peter 3:6), I believe by this time, I'll be hearing some ticking going on... :D
Praise God! The biological clock is spoilt!
Two kings wanted Sarah in her old age. And the bible describes Sarah as beautiful!
We, daughters of the Most High, when we become pregnant, we simply switch titles. From being a babe to one hot mama! Hallelujah!
Moi still feel intimidated seeing ladies who flirts ard leh.. seeming unnatural.
It's a matter of degree and class.. :D
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