Friday, September 30, 2005

Taking a break from blogging!

Hey all!

I'm taking a break from blogging. Why? Hmm... think it's 'cos I want to take some quiet time to grow inwardly, like a tree branching her roots deep into the soil.. poetic license.. haha :D I guess I want a little more 'me-time' just Abba and myself. Hmm.. perhaps not enough overflow to share... shall go and drink more deeply of the living waters...

Isaiah 58:11

The LORD will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Don't take enough time to think and meditate on God's Word... just feel quite hungry.

See ya all.. perhaps next year! :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Where is Jesus in the bible?

In Genesis Jesus is the Ram at Abraham's altar.
In Exodus He's the Passover Lamb.
In Leviticus He's the High Priest.
In Numbers He's the Cloud by day and pillar of fire by night.
In Deuteronomy He's the City of our refuge.
In Joshua He's the Scarlet Thread out Rahab's window.
In Judges He is our Judge.
In Ruth He is our Kinsman redeemer.
In 1st & 2nd Samuel He's our Trusted Prophet.
And in Kings and Chronicles He's our Reigning King.
In Ezra He is our Faithful Scribe.
In Nehemiah He's the Rebuilder of everything that is broken.
And in Esther He is the Mordecai sitting faithful at the gate.
In Job He's our redeemer that ever liveth.
In Psalms He is my Shepherd and I shall not want.
In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes He's our Wisdom.
And in the Song of Solomon He's the Beautiful Bridegroom.
In Isaiah He's the Suffering Servant.
In Jeremiah and Lamentations it is Jesus that is the Weeping Prophet.
In Ezekiel He's the Wonderful Four-Faced Man.
And in Daniel He is the Fourth Man in the midst of a fiery furnace.
In Hosea He is my Love that is forever faithful.
In Joel He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit.
In Amos He's our Burden Bearer.
In Obadiah our Savior.
And in Jonah He is the Great Foreign Missionary that takes the Word of God into all of the world.
You go on and you see in Micah He is the Messenger with beautiful feet.
In Nahum He is the Avenger.
In Habakkuk He is the Watchman that is ever praying for revival.
In Zephaniah He is the Lord mighty to save.
In Haggai He is the Restorer of our lost heritage.
In Zechariah He is our Fountain.
And in Malachi He is the Son of Righteousness with healing in His wings.

In Matthew Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God.
In Mark He is the Miracle Worker.
In Luke He's the Son of Man.
And in John He is the Door by which everyone of us must enter.
In Acts He is the Shining Light that appears to Saul on the road to Damascus.
In Romans He is our Justifier.
In 1st Corinthians our Resurrection.
In 2nd Corinthians our Sin Bearer.
In Galatians He redeems us from the law.
In Ephesians He is our Unsearchable Riches.
In Philippians He supplies our every need.
And in Colossians He's the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily.
In 1st and 2nd Thessalonians He is our Soon Coming King.
In 1st and 2nd Timothy He is the Mediator between God and man.
In Titus He is our Blessed Hope.
In Philemon He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.
And in Hebrews He's the Blood of the everlasting covenant.
In James it is the Lord that heals the sick.
In 1st and 2nd Peter He is the Chief Shepherd.
In 1st, 2nd and 3rd John it is Jesus who has the tenderness of love.
In Jude He is the Lord coming with 10,000 saints.
And in Revelation..... He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Makan time!

Makan time!

O food, glorious food!

I'm referring both to the spiritual and physical. :D

Yesterday, Oasis ministry - wow, excellent! It's not the kind of prosperity message I expected.

And then the dinner later.. well with bro CW, you can be sure it'll be very cerebral! Praise Jesus! I'm so fascinated by the conversations.. definitely have a teaching anointing over him :) We looked at the Word, culturally, geographically and historically... Revelations come through the heart, but we get renewed in our mind as well.. and it's wonderful when someone comes along and fits the puzzle for you, the places and names and it makes sense and you go... " see" Excellent!

Then today, Pastor said something I didn't really see before.. anyway, let me 'assimilate' the revelation first. Feel sometimes like it's boiling soup, take time slowly to boil all the nutrients and goodies out...

Wow, fellowship over makan is ze best! Especially with fellow brethren who are as excited about the Word. Wow, so much life! And it's like the washing of the Word and building each other up. :D

Today, got to serve in nursery. And really felt the presence of God today. Such peace and confidence. Very shiok! Abba is good!

When I am dry
You fill my cup
You are my all in all...

King of Heaven

Who is there like you Lord?
Clothed in strength and beauty
Marvellous, so wonderful in deeds

You who calmed the tempest
You who made the blind see
Mighty is Your hand to deliver me

King of Heaven
Exalted above all
My victory, my song
Great in majesty and glory

King of Heaven
You're worthy to be praised
All honour to Your name
Jesus reigned forevermore

This song is written by Karen from our music ministry. She's the Lucy Liu look-alike playing the keyboard during worship.

The first time I heard this song, it just touched me. Because it is a song that I am singing to Him. It is not a song we're singing. And when I am singing to Him, I just feel that Jesus is mine. "Who is there like you Lord? Clothed in strength and beauty."

And in the next verse, I can just see Him walking alone the shores of Galilee. That's my Jesus. That's my God.

What is worship? As I was singing "Exalted above all; My victory, my song, Great in majesty and glory" I was just reminded of this verse from John 3:14

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,

Exalted - lifted high.. at what price our victory? And yet, through the cross, through His death, we are victorious. And so we sing, Jesus, great in majesty and glory. O worthy to be praised! Jesus, reign forevermore!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Just for fun!

You are Ephesians
You are Ephesians.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Quote from Smith Wigglesworth

Tongues and Interpretation; "The living God has chosen us for His divine inheritance, and He it is who is preparing us for our ministry, that it may be of God and not of man."

It is a blessed thing to learn that God's word can never fail. Never hearken to human plans. God can work mightily when you persist in believing Him in spite of discouragements from the human standpoint.

I am not moved by what I see. I am moved only by what I believe. I know this-no man looks at appearances if he believes. No man considers how he feels if he believes. The man who believes God has it. Every man who comes into the Pentecostal condition can laugh at all things and believe God. There is something in the Pentecostal work that is different from anything else in the world. Somehow, in Pentecost, you know that God is a reality. Wherever the Holy Ghost has right of way, the gifts of the Spirit will be in manifestation; and where these gifts are never in manifestation, I question whether He is present. Pentecostal people are spoiled for anything else than Pentecostal meetings. We want none of the entertainments that the churches are offering. When God comes in He entertains us Himself. Entertained by the King of kings and Lord of lords! O, it is wonderful.

A man and a woman

I have been thinking about what Pastor Prince and Pastor Mark mentioned..

Pastor Prince observed that in the bible, it talks many times about the husband loving the wife, but not about the wife loving the husband... and he asked the congregation 'why?' (of course rhetorical :))

Because when a man loves a woman, she will love him back. Women are made that way.

The bible talks about the relationship between Christ and the church, as between a husband and his wife. But also in our own personal relationship with Him... ask yourself when and why you fell in love with Jesus? You'll have the same answer as me :) When I found out how much He loved me, that's when I fell for Him.

Is it the same between a man and a woman? Does it not work the other way round too? hmmm... well, the bible did not mention, wife love thy husband. And I'm just reminded, a book I read concluded that men spell love as 'r-e-s-p-e-c-t'. I partly summarised it here: For women only Way before this book was written, the bible talks about women submitting to the husband, as to the Lord.

There's something awesome about the observation that Pastor Prince made. He said God gave woman to man so that man would understand Jesus' love for the church. I think it's a very special revelation that perhaps only a man would understand?

It takes a secure woman to submit, to a man, as to the Lord. I would venture to say true submission in the heart is only possible through a revelation of His love.

Interesting observation Pastor Mark made.. actually about his wife. Some time back, he said "when a man loves a woman, she just blossoms."

There's just something about love.

I suppose that's why some people, whether they are Christians or not, have that inner glow. They know they're loved.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sensory perceptions

Personal definition...

Carnality - using sense-knowledge to determine the Word of God.

I know that the truth of His Word, is simply because He says so. Circumstances do not determine nor dictate the truth and reality of His Word. And to be honest, I distrusted the senses.. waiting for the redemption of this mortal body, to put on incorruptible.

But I have since started this past week, not to despise the senses. You see, what I did was to have a blanket distrust of sensory perception. Yet when one thinks about it, it is the Lord who created colour, texture, aroma and sound. Before the fall, God created the earth and all it's beautities for us to enjoy.

Hmm.. how did I come up with this conclusion? The strangest thing...

Cologne! hahaha :D

Personally, I don't wear perfume. Just not used to it I guess. And generally, I don't enjoy perfume. But strangely, I kinda of like cologne. Is it an opposite sex kind of thing?

Well, not all cologne! Anyway, someone I knew was wearing this cologne that I really liked... it was well, very pleasing :D Hmm.. does cologne then makes the man? :D

It kinda of reminded me that Jesus was presented as a sweet smelling aroma to God, pleasing to Him. It's just the way the bible describes it.. linking the sense of smell and pleasure...

and hence, it also reminded me to take the time, to enjoy creation. To enjoy my senses. After all, God gave man the 5 senses to enjoy creation before the fall. Hmm.. taking the time to enjoy the texture of a leaf, to admire the redness of a rose, to feel the brush of the wind, to smell rain, the whisper of a breath...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Take my life and let it be

by Frances Ridley Havergal

Take my life and let it be, consecrated, Lord, to Thee
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love
At the impulse of Thy love

Take my feet and let them be, swift and beautiful for Thee
Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King
Always, only, for my King

Take my silver and my gold: Not a mite would I withhold
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
Let them flow in ceaseless praise

Take my will and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine
Take my heart, it is Thine own
It shall be Thy royal throne
It shall be Thy royal throne


People - can you figure them out? 'cos I can't! :D

At times loving, at times petty...

At the end of the day, I suppose it's the companionship.

It's the conversation and the presence.

Communication and conversation.. hmm.. words are a powerful thing. It can build a person, it can turn vicious.

A long time back, I read this poster that went straight to my heart 'cos I was guilty of it... I told myself then, that I shall watch my tongue, for it holds the power of life and death.. and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Of course, I'm quoting scripture now. But back then, I wasn't a Christian. Still, God gives a certain amount of wisdom to the world.

And I believe it's applicable today.

The poster read:-

Big minds discuss ideas

Average minds discuss events

Small minds discuss people

I'm writing this down 'cos well, honestly, I'm taking the coward's way out. It's difficult to tell people directly. But it's not so much the person speaking, I'm finally writing this down 'cos I've been witnessing its deterioriating effect, not only on the person itself, but friends who are around as well.

Well, I'm speaking this in abstract. Take it if you feel there's life in this correction. Reject it if you feel it doesn't apply. :)

On the other hand, I've been around environment where there's absolutely no politics. And it's wonderful! It's liberating!

God loved people. People are meant to be enjoyed, to be loved. I'm still learning! God knows! But where it proves to be a tough challenge, like how a saying goes, "when you have nothing good to say, don't say."

The tongue, the tongue - "even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity." (James 3)

Yet praise God! He has given us today a new language! A new heart! Love bears all thing. Beloved, I pray that you build yourself up on your most holy faith. Use your words to cleanse, to build each other, to edify, to encourage and to love. For in so doing, you too are able to experience the love Abba has for each and every one of us.

Monday, September 19, 2005


I will follow after you as long as my soul lives
I will lift up my hands unto thy name O Lord
My mouth shall praise You
because You have been my help

In the shadow of Your wings will I rejoice my Lord
Your loving kindness overwhelms my soul O Lord
and I will bless You
I will love You all my life

I was just thinking this afternoon of taking a break from blogging.. 'cos recently have no flow to blog. Because this is a public blog, I don't really share the real, intimate and personal aspects of my relationship with Jesus.

And really, intimacy is what I missed most. I missed journelling... there's something about writing it down, pen on paper, something very physical and tangible that's just different from typing it up. And also, I don't refer to Him in the third person. It's not "the Lord", it becomes "You". And when He becomes "You", I become "me". And isn't that what a relationship is about? Just two people having a personal one-on-one time.

The pursuit of God.. I missed that. During worship, I feel Him loving me, in His embrace. I love being still in His presence, to simply meditate and think on His love. But I also love it when He reminds me of His presence in the nitty gritty of my life.

Part of my job involves calling. Well, I was calling for over an hour and the stats were against me. Didn't get an appointment. I suppose by this time, some people may be psyching themselves up like "every no brings me closer to a yes" etc etc..

Well, naturally, part of me was wondering, hey Lord, where's the favour? But you know, there was no sense of rejection or feeling down. I felt that deep within me, a gentle voice asked, "Do you still believe?"

It's like that ball that refuses to sink, but is still buoyant, bouncing, floating on top of the rough waters.. except it doesn't seem rough to me. And I said, "yes" to the truth that my supply came from the Lord; "yes" to the truth that God is faithful even when circumstances don't seem good; "yes" to what the Word says, that His favour surrounds me as a shield even when I don't seem to see it.

And as I answered that voice, I just felt His love and His joy come gently around, His peace settling in my heart. I just felt Him love me. And I feel, wow, even when I doing this mundane thing like calling, He shows Himself to me. Not even leaving me alone. He reminds me that He is there. Abba is just so good, so good to me.

And I realise, that He's calling me to drink more deeply from Him. To come and refresh myself again. It's not in going to church, in worship only... it's to feed and feed on His Word as bread, to be still and enjoy Him. Enjoy Him.. wow. To sit at His feet and look at Him, in His beauty, in His goodness, in His glory.

Wow, work is wonderful when God reveals Himself in the things we do. I guess that's why work can be worship.

I remind myself not to get distracted, and I have been for the past few weeks. It's not about doing other things. I can still have an active life. But it's to gird my mind, to focus my energies, to labour to enter the rest by actively partaking of the manna from heaven. O Abba, even this hunger in my heart Lord, this unspeakable yearning in my soul is from You. O give me more of You!

Today was so wonderful! My boss' sister was in critical life-threatening condition in the hospital. But praise God! He wrought a miracle. When she showed me the sms giving the good news, I had good shivers just reading it.. wow, God is so good! And my boss, she was 'stubborn'. She refused to give up on her sister, even when bad reports are all around. As she was telling me this testimony, I just feel the love that Abba had for her sister. He loves her so much, so much. And I think God yearns too. And He hates sickness and disease. And He is the great "I AM" Jehovah Repheka, He is still the Lord that healeth. O isn't He great! His name is Wonderful! Praise Jesus! Praise Jesus! Lovely, wonderful Saviour! Almighty God!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Just the way you are

Easy listening...

Just the way you are (Billy Joel)

Don't go changing, to try and please me
You never let me down before
Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
I wouldn't leave you in times of trouble
We never could have come this far
I took the good times, I'll take the bad times
I'll take you just the way you are

I don't want clever conversation
I never want to work that hard
I just want someone that I can talk to
I want you just the way you are.

I need to know that you will always be
The same old someone that I knew
What will it take till you believe in me
The way that I believe in you.

I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A prayer

Abba, today's a new day. A day that You have made. But it seems like any other day. And 'any other' seems so dull...

Abba, Daddy, be with me today Lord. In every moment, let my mind settle at rest on You. Remind me of Your presence with me Father, in the little details of my life. Sometimes, I need the tangible feel of your love to feel loved, even though I know that You already love me so.

My Jesus, my saviour, my Lord and friend. Embrace me again, speak loving words in my heart and refresh me. Life isn't in the activities and the busyness of the day. Neither is it in the dull, lingering, merry-go-round coach potato moments of life. Life my love, I believe, is continuous prayer with You, to be continuously aware of Your loving presence in my life.

Not even as a 'feel good' Kodak moment. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that You are my God too. Ready to move in might and power on my behalf. To show Yourself strong before Your people, that You may be feared and glorified. That You may be loved, in reverence and awe.

What is intensity Lord? What is your love Lord? Just when I thought I felt it all, there's more to discover isn't there? Of Your goodness and Your love and Your power. You are so immense and still... yet so intimate and real. How do I know You more Jesus? Just by letting You draw me near and loving me?

But Abba, sometimes I want to do something for You too - to love as You love me. But even then, it's not how much I can love, my capacity is so limited. Sometimes, I admit, I'm afraid to draw near You, because before You, I'm reduced to tears, by Your goodness and Your mercy. Yet You continuously call me to yourself.

Abba, sometimes I feel like I'm receiving so much from You but not doing enough. I look at myself and have to remind myself to look back to You. Teach me simply Lord, more and more, just to rest, really rest in Your love. And be unashamed to have You love me again and again...

I love You Lord. Because You first loved me. And gave Yourself for me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

No. 14

If thou must love me, let it be for nought
Except for love's sake only. Do not say
I love her for her smile--her look--her way
Of speaking gently,--for a trick of thought
That falls in well with mine, and certes brought
A sense of ease on such a day--
For these things in themselves, Belovèd, may
Be changed, or change for thee,--and love, so wrought,
May be unwrought so. Neither love me for
Thine own dear pity's wiping my cheek dry,--
A creature might forget to weep, who bore
Thy comfort long, and lose thy love thereby!
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity

Sonnet XIV, Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Divine lover

He will rejoice over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17)

Excerpted from "A Divine Invitation" by Steve Mcvey.

'I was teaching from this verse one day when Helena came to me afterward and said, "I was reading that verse not long ago and noticed that it says the Lord sings over us with joy. 'Lord,' I asked, 'Do you really sing over me? What could you possibly sing about me?' Immediately," she said, "one of my favourite old songs from years gone by popped into my mind, word for word.At first I tried to dismiss it, thinking, "This can't be the Lord.' but the song wouldn't stop and shortly I knew it was indeed the Lord singing a song to me."

Helena continued, "I heard Him sing to me, 'You are my sunshine, My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away!' I realized then," Helena said, "just how much He loves me! To think that I am the sunshine of His life absolutely overwhelmed me!"

Someone might protest, "Why would the Lord sing a song to her like that one?" Don't think the only songs your Prince Charming knows are religious songs. He sang the song to Helena that He knew would thrill her heart. He wasn't singing to Himself, but to her. That's how wonderful our Divine Lover is. He knows your favourite songs, your favourite places, your favourite everything. Every good thing you enjoy in life is His love song to you.'

Earths crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God;
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit around it and pluck blackberries.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning in her poem "Aurora Leigh"

And finally, a gentle invitation....

Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along.
For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
The flowers have already appeared in the land;
The time has arrived for pruning the vines,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
The fig tree has ripened its figs
And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance.
Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along....

Song of Solomon 2:10-13

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Growing gloriously

Have you ever thought about physical growth and the passing of time?

I saw a little girl today, draped comfortably over daddy's arms.

A few days ago, I saw a picture of the world's oldest recorded human being, a lady, age 117, all wrinkled but full of smiles.

Today, I met a classmate I haven't seen for some time, beautiful, sexy, vivacious and young.

I had the impression that 33 years young is the peak, the fullness of manhood or womanhood as the case may be 'cos Christ died when He was 33. Thereafter, "with long life He satisfies me."

But a thought ocurred to me today.

When God made man, He crowned him with glory and honour. Even when man sinned and died spiritually, he physically lived for over 900 years. How wonderful, how youthful they must be!

It was what Eve said that caught my attention today.

"I have acquired a man from the Lord" (Genesis 4:1)

To me, babies are fresh from heaven. In this world though, they are 'taught' fear and worry. Then sin creeps in and the body grows and ages. But is this necessarily true for those of us in Christ today?

Adam and Eve were never babies. So it must have been quite strange when she gave birth. And she said, "a man" In their near perfect physical state, just after the fall, (man had to be taught to speak words of death and learn to die then 'cos sin was so alien in the beginning) - a full grown man and a babe must have been both glorious, both 'fresh from heaven.'

I don't know. But a baby is born with foolishness in its heart (Proverbs 22:15) and needs to learn to eat from the tree of life. But usually, it is taught to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (The law = ministry of death [2 Corin 3:7])

Instead of growing old and dying, shouldn't we in Christ be growing glorious and living?

What does it mean when the Word says that we are being transformed from glory to glory? Is it only inner transformation? Or is it physical as well?

Romans 8:11

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

"quicken" in greek

1) to produce alive, begat or bear living young

2) to cause to live, make alive, give life

a) by spiritual power to arouse and invigorate

b) to restore to life

c) to give increase of life: thus of physical life

d) of the spirit, quickening as respects the spirit, endued with new and greater powers of life

3) metaph., of seeds quickened into life, i.e. germinating, springing up, growing

Whoa! I tell you what I think!

Forget about 'peaking' at 33 years young.

God's way of restoring us is not restoring us like Adam. Nope! Abba does it lavishly! Restoring us from sinners to adoption into His family, found in Christ!

So imagine, babies are so beautiful right? So what am I like now? An aging babe?! hahaha :D No way! According to His Word, the Holy Spirit within me zoefies my mortal body.

Eve equated Caine with Adam ('cos the only man she had reference to was Adam) - and man was still physically beautiful and young after the fall. How much more us today!

In Christ, we are transformed from glory to glory. So in the natural, if a baby is so beautiful to behold, in a family showered by the love of God, a believing family speaking life to it, it grows to become more glorious, not old.

It's a promise of the here and now! We are the generation that will not see death. I truely believe that I will see Him face to face!

There is still sin in the flesh.. yet we are dead to it - I believe it's through a continual renewal of the spirit of the mind, meditating day and night on His Word. Not scripture memorising! But just, R&R in His love for moi - allowing Him to love me deeply!

Wonderful to be daughters of Sarah! Her youth was renewed in her 'old' age!

Wonderful to have the promise of Abraham (for guys as well). You know he had many children by another lady after Isaac? Praise God!

Hey, take God's orders seriously. Be fruitful and multiply! I was telling my client that I wanted 5 children. His eyes opened a little bigger and he observed wryly that I am a supporter of the government, "get married, don't stop at 2 policy." hahahaha :D

Well, Abba did give man a mandate to populate the earth! Hallelujah! I want to surround myself with a family I love too! And children are blessings BLESSINGS from the Lord!


Is there a way whereby whatever you do prospers?

Wouldn't that be great? If you're a teacher, you're a great one! If you're a security consultant, you're a great one! So since I'm a financial advisor, I'm a great one! :D

Psalm 1

Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.

He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Getting political

Hmm.. today they feature some 'youths' (i.e. in their thirties) being party of the youth arm of the opposition, Workers Party.

Sound very gung ho and enthusiastic. But it also sounds like there's a lot of talk and not quite enough maturity. It doesn't mean that if one can speak well, call for open debate, be outspoken, dares to challenge the system, one is an effective opposition.

That may be how politics in the States work. But in Singapore, no can do. It just sounds a little tired - like we're going through the cycle again, and people who speak out that way seems a little wet behind the ears. Because it's simply not how things are run here.

Just yesterday, someone was commenting in the papers(I'm paraphrasing) that Singapore may be souless (don't agree with that! but nevermind) but it's competent. What we want is a government which can get things done, not a 'spin machine', spending millions of campaign dollars simply to get votes. Sometimes, the results speak for itself. Lower crime rate, education, job rate, etc

It doesn't mean Singapore doesn't have an opposition. It just doesn't have an opposition in the common sense of the word. But I believe there are checks and balances in the system, various focus group to keep the political and executive machinery running efficiently.

I'm of the view that if one is not 'in the system', one would not know the problems and the day to day running of said system - and criticising it is not doing your part to help. Singapore is such an interesting political model because changes truely come from within.

And opposition is not external. Since Singapore was independent, talented opposition leaders (Tony Tan comes to mind) has been assimilated into 'the system'. And why not? Instead of making noise, be part of the system to effect change. That's how it works in Singapore. Play by the rules and you can get things done. Play outside the rules and you're out of the game.

If I had to give a name to the system here, it would be 'authoritarian democracy'. Quite an oxymoron in terms!

Actually, have you wondered why a democracy came about?

Well, we know the advantage of a democracy - to represent the majority interest.

But on the flip side, a democracy came about because of a negative - to prevent the abuse of power by an authoritarian figure. Interesting read if you traced the origins of democracy in Athens. (Empires rise and fall by the actions of a ruler).

For every Hitler, there was a Winston Churchill. Even the antithesis of democracy, communism failed, because it become a warped version of it's ideal. During the Stalinist regime, it became a personality cult. It has its own representation, in the form of an executive committee and before that, a party by the peoples. It failed, not so much in it's political structure but because it's politics and beliefs gave birth to a non-viable economic model. Equal distribution rather than capitalism.. selah.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Very precious in the sight of the Lord

1 Peter 3:4

rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God

1 Peter 3 begins by talking about relationship in the context of marriage. It also refers to women.

I used not to understand the meaning of "gentle and quiet" - 'cos I'm not. Well, I knew enough of Abba's love to know that He loves me just the way I am. And any passage that I read that I sense has the potential to give me bondage - I'll discard for the moment because I know that the holy-spirit interpretation will produce liberty and life. And if I interpret it so that by my understanding, it binds me, well then, my understanding is wrong.

Since then, I've seen so many examples of a "gentle and quiet" spirit. It does not mean outward demeanor but rather, an inward restfulness. A cheerful, outgoing woman of God may have a "gentle and quiet" spirit. It is not the outward form only.

Today, I was reading a supplement to the Straits Times. Every Thursday, they have a fashion supplement called Urban. And generally, I like to read it for the fashion and the clothes.

Hmm.. God created shopping for us women to enjoy :) Although personally, I don't think God likes shopping much. Whenever I go shopping with Him, I find the stuff that I'm looking for real fast. And even when I insist to browse around and try out other clothes, I still come back to the first few that I tried on initially - just a side note. Maybe it's a male thing.. I don't know.. hahaha :D

Anyway, in today's Urban, they were talking about vagina surgery and breast reductions. I couldn't be bothered reading about the former.. but really! It must be quite unhealthy to be obsessed by the body only. I feel pity for them. Is this what life for them is boiled down to? An endless nitpicking on looks and microscopic examination on self?

Coming across these articles reminded me of how far Abba has brought me. From a mundane life to truly, LIFE! found in Him. I used to think life consisted of activities and activities and how many social engagements I have and how much fun I can have. But after all the busyness, and I'm alone by myself, deep within me I asked, "Is that all there is? Is life living one event to the next?"

Now, my soul satisfaction is found in Him. It's a state of INTENSE contentment, of quiet passion, a reservoir of strength and fulfillment - it's satisfaction regardless of circumstances and events. It is building, growing within, rather than social networking and doing.

Does it mean being a homebody?

By no means. I like to chill out, hang out with friends. Usually, I bring Jesus along or it's not quite as fun :D It's not so much a matter of conscious prayer. Just last night, I had a conversation with Him and I realised I haven't really spoken to Him for quite some time, in a known tongue. It was nice - and I felt it's okay 'cos He makes me aware of Him all the time.

You know, it's like a couple who's really busy. But it's those many eye-contacts during the day, it's like the reassuring touch on the arm, the hold of the hand, the quick hug and brush of lips on the face. I think that's what we experience when my thoughts rest on Him at various times of the day.

And I have started praying in tongues again. I have zero self-discipline. Especially in my line of work when I'm my own boss, that's no good. But I've tried schedules and plans and goal-setting and I'm simply not motivated. Even regularly going to church and reading the bible and good Christian books doesn't cut it.

But somehow praying continuously in tongues bring me a peace and an unconscious (not even desire or want) automatic response to do the things that I'm supposed to do which I've procrastinated for so long. No logic behind it. But just letting Him take over and pray for me is far far easy than all the self-motivation "I must do this" psychology and "know thyself" personality tests (though interesting :)) can ever do for me.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

God answers prayer

This is one of my favourite songs I loved to sing when I was in Fairfield Methodist Primary. I don't know whether I was saved yet, but it was chapel time.

Abba told me He enjoyed me singing to Him when I was a child, even though I didn't know the significance. Then, I see in my heart, like in a mini-vision - He brought me back to years before, when I was I think about 9 years young, bobbing about to the tune of this song and my Daddy, smiling happily along. :)

Have you ever talked to God above?
Tell Him that you need a friend to love
Pray in Jesus' name believing that
God answers prayer

Have you told Him all your cares and woes?
Every tiny little fear He knows
You can know He always hear and
He will answer prayer

Have you whispered in a crowd to Him
cried aloud when you're alone with Him
You don't have to pray out loud to Him
He knows your thoughts

On a lofty mountain peak He's there
In a meadow by a stream He's there
anywhere on earth you go
He's been there from the start

Find the answer in His Word, it's true
You'll be strong because He walks with you
By His faithfulness He changed you too
God answers prayer

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I am writing this after reading Rebekah's blog.

Sometimes, when I look around and see sicknesses, especially in young children, I just hate the devil so much. He comes with misery and pain and suffering. I think when Jesus walked on earth, it pained him to see the blind, the lepers, people suffering. And I believed it angered Him very much also.

I HATE the devil and what he is doing. And I won't stand for it. And I know God Almighty won't stand for it. I know that he is a defeated foe. Only RESIST and he will FLEE.

You know what, the God of peace has already crushed him. Where? Under His feet, NO! It's under MY feet. The devil is already crushed by God under MY feet. (Romans 16:20) Don't take his filthy nonsense! He has NO authority over anything for you are the Lord's.

Touch not God's anointed. You know what Christians mean? It means the Anointed Ones.

The truth is that the power of darkness has NO power over us for we have been translated from darkness to light through Jesus Christ. For we have LIFE now through His death.

Let nothing that we see or hear convince us otherwise. And even through sufferings, let us cling on to this truth - that God loves, specifically, your child and He is more than able to rescue for He is the Lord that healeth.

Only stand fast on His Word. Where nothing seems to be happening and where our strength and our heart fails, where there is pain all around - yet we can have hope in the God who loves us, who has given Himself for us.

What's next?

Is Jesus coming back? Is the rapture coming soon?

Despite the events that are about the world today - and these may be signs.. it is my personal opinion, not yet.

Though I do believe that I will see the rapture in my lifetime and I will not see death. Somehow, the number 150 years comes to mind... :D hmmm...

After all, dear Moses lived to 120 years and he was under the old covenant. How much more glorious the ministry of the spirit is! The spirit that zoefies my mortal body. And restoration through Jesus Christ is far greater and above the position of the first Adam. And boy, he lived for over 900 years.

Why not soon?

Because the church is just beginning on it's transformation of glory! The last enemy to be put under our feet is death. So before that poverty, sickness would be replaced by health and wealth...

It is not that we have to see the results of the gospel to believe. We, in Christ, knows that all things are given, though not manifested. And we have to look at events beyond the finite constraints of time - for manifestation is only a matter of time. But believing the gospel, the good news of the peace and favour of God - that is the strength and assurance we have with Him.

And what is more sure through looking back at the cross, where God in human flesh, our saviour and lover, Jesus Christ hung. Sometimes I look at the depravity of sin and wonder how a holy God who knew no sin is able to take it on Himself. The savagery of His spiritual death far exceeds His physical one. The bible describes His death in the original as Jesus dying many deaths.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm untouchable by the things that happen in the world. Remember the seals in Revelation that God has redeemed me from? He loves me so much, how can He stand by and let worldly events or things take my life?

But even when I go through trials; yea, though I may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for He is with me. His rod and staff, they comfort me.

I just recall Caleb and Joshua, who had a different spirit. They saw the giants, and they were going to war. Did they not know that they may die in battle? But somehow, they were oblivious to these natural facts. Facts are not falsehood - it is something that people acknowledge as the truth because truth is perceived through their senses.

But we have been born-again. A new creation! There was something awesome that God created when Jesus died and rose again. Just as many many years ago, God breathed His breath and created man in His image and man sinned and that breath and image of God within them died. Now, as a new creation, something that was dead within us is born-again. We are no longer souls in a mortal body. But we're a tripartite being. Born-again of the Spirit of God, with a soul and a mortal body.

And perhaps even more mysteriously, not only of our own Spirit, but we are One with His Spirit. That it is Christ IN us NOW! Adam's spirit was alive and I believe his spirit and body was an image of God. How much more, even now, after the cross, where our spirit is not an image of God, but somehow, One with Him.

And as spirit beings, we perceive reality, and true perception of reality for a Christian is not through the mortal senses. But through the Spirit of God. It is not holy spirit goosebumps and weird vibes. I don't know, I'm still learning.

This I know, to bring every thought captive to the Word of God. To bring everything I observe and subject it to His Word, His truth. To know that only His Word is reality, even when it is contrary to what I see and feel.

I used to wonder about this verse which talks about crucifying the passions of the flesh. And I wondered whether a Christian life is 'passion-less' because the activities that I used to enjoy, I no longer do. Sometimes on TV, they have these appeals to charity, and I am not moved.

Abba loves me with a passion. I cannot fathom that I am passion-less just because I don't 'feel' it. Afterall, I am an offspring of God Himself, who is love. And if I ever doubt about the passion of God, I just have to meditate on the manner of His death. Knowing truely, how Jesus suffered for love for us, who can ever doubt His passion or His love for me?

In fact, I don't 'feel' a lot of things. And when I erupt, I cool down real fast. When the holy spirit teaches me, He'll not be pointing his finger at me and saying, "You should do this". In fact, most of the times, I would look at myself (mistake! Nothing good comes with looking at myself) and say "I should..." In fact, He just writes His laws on my heart and then I desire to do something. Like desiring to apologise! In the past, that would have been an ego hurdle.

It's wonderful to be able to complain to God. Sometimes when I'm so angry, I just want to spew venom and use words to cut the person who makes me mad, I need to take that step of faith and quickly leave the room before I say things that I regret. I go lock myself in my own room and vent at Abba. And sometimes words in a known tongue are so limited and not very nice to hear..and there I am spluttering with anger (thank God! these incidents are very few nowadays..)

Well, I don't know whether it's PC or not, but I'll complain to God in tongues. I can just talk and talk in an angry tone in tongues and it's very eloquent. (honestly, it sounds pretty good. Like I'm giving a speech or something.. hahaha) I don't know what I am saying. I know that in an unknown tongue I speak to God, and not me, but my spirit prays. (prayer is talking to God) But at least even though I am praying through my flesh, it's the holy spirit that is praying. And I cool down after a while, and then think to myself, "Gee, what's the big deal?"

I totally veered off the topic of 'What's next?'

Hmmm... no matter what, I know He loves me. I went to Comex last Sunday and participated in 2 blessed draws. Anyway, one of the prize was a PDA and I wanted it. So of course I asked Dad, "Abba, I really want the PDA. I want it." And well, I know that He is rich and He loves me, so hey, why not?

Well, I didn't get the PDA. And of course I was disappointed. Okay, this is a small incident, but Abba always speaks to me through small incidents of everyday life. So at this point I can ask, "Why Abba?" I didn't verbally, but in my heart, yes, sure, I thought about it.

But you know what, whether or not He answered my prayer didn't really bother me. He didn't have to give me a PDA to show that He loves me and hears my prayer. He has demonstrated His love for me when He sent His only beloved Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me. Looking at the cross is more certain than if His love depends on the things that He can give me now. Of course, I believe that if I didn't get the PDA, He has something better in mind for me. He's so in love with me what! And I'm not saying that flippantly. He really loves me very much!

I just draw this analogy to what happened in New Orleans where some people was asking how God can let this happen to Christians? The implicit accusation underlying this is "God, if You loved them, You would have rescued them."

His love is already demonstrated on the cross.

And, my own opinion again, I personally believe, how much God can move depends on one's revelation of one's authority in Christ. This world is a fallen world. And although many people say God is in control, it is my view that God is in control only over His covenant people. All authority on heaven and earth, all power over principalities is given over to Jesus. And Jesus has given it to His church. That is why there is something about prayer that 'allows' God to move. I believe that prayer is activating the blood covenant that Almighty God has with me. Also, the Word says to speak to the mountain. Sure, you can talk to God about your problem, but the Word says, you speak to the mountain. Children of God, you have the authority. How many of us knows that?

It is something powerful when we know who we are in Christ - I believe that even if I were in New Orleans, somehow my Abba would have gotten me out of there. As Christ is, so am I in this world. Are they not all ministering spirits sent to serve the heirs of salvation?

So even if I refuse to heed Him and disobeyed, am I so powerful that my act of disobedience is able to thwart His plan for me, His power to save me even from the follies of my own actions? God makes all things, good and bad, work for good, for those who love Him.

I believe the phrase "for those who love Him" - I know it seems dependent on how much we love God. But how do we love God? This is love, not that we love Him, but that He loved us, and sent His son as a propitiation for our sins.

We can't love Him on our own. Man tried to for 2000 years. But there's only one Man who could love God with all His heart, all His soul and all His might, and was able to keep the entirety of the law.

So we love God only through a heart revelation of His love for us. So that even the love we love Him with, is fueled by His love for us and not our own love. For God is love. And how do we 'get' this revelation?

How did David know that God is love? He spoke after His loving kindness which is better than life? How did this lad (afterwards a King of Judah and Israel) who lived under the old covenant knew about God's love?

Why, he was a shepherd who walked in the meadows, tending his sheep. Not much of a career when you think about it... but in the midst of that, he just enjoyed talking to God and worshipping Him. I suppose for us today, it's taking time to walk and talk with Him, like when He used to walk with man in the Garden.

I liked what Pastor said. "We have coffee with friends but do you know that God wants to coffee with you. And you know what, when you talk to God, He talks back! And boy, does He have things to say."

Remember, the devil goes about LIKE a roaring lion. He is known as the accusor of the brethren. Your Dad has more class than to point fingers. All your sins (past, present and FUTURE) have been punished in the body of His Son, so that He is now, righteous and just to remember our sins no more because Jesus did a finished work.

Now, I come boldly to the throne of grace to have coffee with Abba. To sit at His feet and perhaps daydream. And allow Him to hold my hand and to look into the eyes of my Beloved and well, simply to R&R in His love for me. Today, it's like a warm blanket. On other days, it seems like crashing into the waves of His love.

Who have I in heaven but You? There is none like You. There is none I desire besides You.

Friday, September 02, 2005

God creates beauty

Yesterday, I was looking after some children. In came this rather frazzled parent with his child. They were of Middle-Eastern origin.

In Singapore, we're a multi-racial society. But middle-eastern is well, pretty 'exotic' He left his boy, a precocious, intelligent, active 4 year old who flittered from toy to toy.

Oh, I think it's so blessed to have children! They are a joy, and they remind me how to live life in unconscious enjoyment. We had a corner with a play stove and food. He had spent some time cooking, and as children were wont to do, got diverted and was playing 'chess' with me.

Suddenly, he got up and cried, "oh, oh, the food is burning, the food is burning!" And hurried over to his stove to check on the cooking! hahaha :D It was hilarious! I wonder how many times he observed his mum saying the same thing. Talk about a reality show. :)

I think children have that capacity to live life with glee. Wish we remember that! After all, we are sons of the Most High!

Anyway, later I found out that he was Turkish. I took a close look at father and son...

Have you ever thought, we are all human beings, with two eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth. Yet different, not only between the races but also individuals. We all look different but still beautiful.

Abba is so creative. And He creates beauty.

I'm a fan of sci-fiction, particularly Star Trek. And the aliens (or, like my Pastor likes to humorously call them, the 'ah-lians'.. local joke..) are so weird and quite ugly. In the bid to make different aliens, they create these beings with different skin colour, funny antennas, scaly skin etc...

Our imagination simply cannot compare with His.

With one single entity, the homosapiens, He has created a myriad of races, of colour and diversity using a single template. It is in the nuances - the shape of the eye, the colour of the hair, the skin shade, the intonation of voice; even culturally, in the physical facial and verbal expression and of shared values.

I think the beauty is all in the details. He pays such attention to details, much like delicate art. It's in all creation. In the freshness of flora, the abundant blueness of the sky, the tangy smell of rain, the comedic giraffes and elephants (who says God does not have a sense of humour?), the majesty of mountains and waterfalls and the serenity of a sunset.

I simply cannot comprehend that the world, with all it's wonders came out from some black hole or something. If one would take the time and simply contemplate a blade of grass or feel the caress of the wind, His presence and beauty would just seep through my consciousness. All creation shouts His name.

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.

All things were created through Him and for Him.

And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.

Colossians 1:15-17