Sunday, October 30, 2005

Jesus was too beautiful to resist, too lovely to work away

I'm always blessed by this sister's sharing. :) Feed on it here It is about "The woman at the well"

For You alone

You are the peace that guards my heart
My help in time of need
You are the hope that leads me on
and brings me to my knees

For there I'll find You waiting
and there I find release
so with all my heart I worship
and unto You I sing

For You alone deserve all glory
For You alone deserve all praise
Father, I worship and adore You
Father, I love to sing Your praise

For You alone deserve all glory
For You alone deserve all praise
Father, I love You
and I worship You this day

Thank You for the cross

Thank you for the cross
the mighty cross
that God Himself should die for such as us

and everyday we're changed into Your image more and more
yes by the cross we've truely been transformed

And we're so amazed
And we give You praise
that You would save us at such a cost

And we're so amazed
And we give You praise
for the power of the cross

In Your presence

In Your presence, I am content
In Your presence, I am content

In Your presence, there is light
Expressions of Your life
Revelations of Your power and might

In Your presence I can bring
my love song offering
I'm in the presence of my king

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I got this article from the paper "Today" (21 Oct 2005).

'During the question-answer round of the recent Miss International pageant, Miss Philippines Lara Quigaman was asked what she felt about people typecasting Filipinos as nanies.

She replid, "I take no offence in being typecast as a nanny. But I do take offence that the educated people of the world have somehow degraded the true sense and meaning of what a nanny is. Let me tell you what it is.

She is someone who gives more than she takes. She is someone you trust to look after the people most precious to you - your child, the elderly and yourself. She is the one who has made a living out of caring for and loving other people." '

It's true.. as I reflect on this article. I realised how different the same words are to us people today. At times, we (a general societal 'we', not necessary my view) take unconscious glee in putting down words, whilst expanding the meaning of certain words to justify the rather grey values of civilization today.

For example, words that modern yuppies tend to put down are "virginity" "submission" "honour" "God" "patriotism" "politician" and

words that are twisted and meanings expanded in order to justify the "me, myself and I" values are words like "freedom" "choice" "sex" "liberty"

Actually, when one thinks historically about it. The golden age of the Roman civilization and it's decline - it's decline being precepted by debauchery etc.. I just wonder whether we are now experiencing it. So much has changed, in the way we think and act and perceive, since just a century ago. What has once been taboo, is now being glorified as hip. And values that once has been treasured, is now deemed as dull and unattractive and 'won't you get on with the times?'

I've since learnt and even delight in an aversion of being common with "the rest" of the world. There is nothing to boast about if one is as common as mud. (The Word says our righteousness is as filthy rags) I've taken pride in not being and being lumped together with the masses - a one in the crowd. It's boring! Get a life, the world does not revolve around one's pleasure only.

Some people like to be cynical - it makes them feel wise. I suppose I'll rather keep my ideals and be a wide-eyed child to the beauties of the world, and the positive in every situation. I pray that I'll be like that by His grace. Jesus did tell us to be "as wise as serpents and as gentle as doves"

Some shows like to portray Christians as goody-two-shoes.. like it's something bad. It doesn't mean that just because we don't sting means we can't. It's not about being nice, having a good image.. it's because knowing how much God is for us, we don't have to step on people, play office politics, in order to succeed. But don't mistake inaction for ignorance. Don't mistake a desire to see the good as being naive.

The love that we are called to love others with is NOT the feely-good type of love. "The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy spirit." It is not simply compassion. It is love with wisdom. (so we don't get swindled by con-artist touting sob stories) We are led forth by the peace and love in our hearts.

Human compassion and human love is limited - and one has to struggle to sustain it. Divine love is unlimited and unconditional. It is the kind of love that enables us to experience joy and peace in the midst of tribulations. It is beyond comprehension.

We are made to be loved, called to love - but do not make the mistake of thinking love is weak. It is the most powerful force in the universe (not the world). For God is love. And it is God who created earth and man. Post-fall, it was man who shaped the world today as we know it.

To be sanctified and set apart, called by Him, into a royal priesthood, adopted as His own.. to be sanctified, meaning, uncommon and set apart; to be unique and His. That is something to boast about.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Gift of Work

I'm still 'in the midst' of repenting (if that's possible). But came across a really good article on work from Elizabeth Elliot's Devotional. Click here to take a look. It ministered to me. Hope it refreshes you! :)

The Gift of Work

The principal cause of boredom is the hatred of work. People are trained from childhood to hate it. Parents often feel guilty about making children do anything but the merest gestures toward work. Perhaps the children are required to make their beds and, in a feeble and half-hearted fashion, tidy up their rooms once a month or so. But take full responsibility to clear the table, load the dishwasher, scrub the pots, wipe the counters? How many have the courage to ask this of a ten-year-old? It would be too much to ask of many ten-year-olds because parents have seriously asked nothing of them when they were two or three. Children quickly pick up the parents' negative attitudes toward work and think of it as something most sedulously to be avoided.

Our Lord and Savior worked. There is little doubt that He served in the carpenter shop under the instruction of His earthly father Joseph, putting in long hours, learning skill, care, responsibility, and above all, the glory of work as a gift to glorify His heavenly Father. He did always those things that please the Father. Later He chose almost all His disciples from those who labored with their hands. Even the apostle Paul, a man of brilliant intellect, made tents. . . .

Booker T. Washington, an African-American who grew up in the South when members of his race were expected to do the hardest and dirtiest jobs, learned his greatest lesson from the example of a Christian woman. A New Englander, the founder of the Hampton Institute, she herself washed the windows the day before school started, so it would be nice for those children who had been born slaves.

Is work a necessary evil, even a curse? A Christian who spent many years in Soviet work camps, learning to know work at its most brutal, its most degrading and dehumanizing, testified that he took pride in it, did the best he could, worked to the limit of his strength each day. Why? Because he saw it as a gift from God, coming to him from the hand of God, the very will of God for him. He remembered that Jesus did not make benches and roofbeams and plow handles by means of miracles, but by means of saw, axe, and adze.

Wouldn't it make an astounding difference, not only in the quality of the work we do (in office, schoolroom, factory, kitchen, or backyard), but also in our satisfaction, even our joy, if we recognized God's gracious gift in every single task, from making a bed or bathing a baby to drawing a blueprint or selling a computer? If our children saw us doing "heartily as unto the Lord" all the work we do, they would learn true happiness. Instead of feeling that they must be allowed to do what they like, they would learn to like what they do.

St. Ignatius Loyola prayed, "Teach us, Good Lord, to labor and to ask for no reward save that of knowing that we do Thy will." As I learn to pray that prayer, I find that there are many more rewards that come along as fringe benefits. As we make an offering of our work, we find the truth of a principle Jesus taught: Fulfillment is not a goal to achieve, but always the by-product of sacrifice.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Just for laughs!

A sister sent me this e-mail. It's a little cheeky.. that's why 'tis fun! haha :D (Italics, my thoughts)

Humourous Christian pick-up lines

Nice Bible. You know Jesus?! Me, too!

God told me to come talk to you.

I know a church where we could go and talk.

How about a hug, sister? (no thanks)

Do you need help carrying your Bible? It looks heavy. (why not?)

What are your plans for tonight? Feel like a Bible study? (testing)

The Word says, "Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry." So how about dinner? (nice style)

You don't have an accountability partner? Me neither!

You want to come over and watch "The 10 Commandments" tonight? (and sit under the ministry of death? 2 Corin 3:7, no thanks!)

Is it a sin that you stole my heart? (haha.. guy must have charm to say this or it'll fall flat)

Would you happen to know a Christian woman that I could love with all my heart and wait on hand and foot? (Hmm... I want a man though, not a snag)

"You know, I'm really into relationship evangelism."

Do you believe in divine appointment? (I do, are you sure you have one?)

Have you ever tried praying at a drive-in movie before? (toeing the line)

Excuse me, I believe one of your ribs belongs to me. (please..)

Christians don't shake hands, Christians gotta hug! (desperate)

Oh, you're cold? Maybe we should read Ecclesiastes 4:11 (roll of eyes)

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?

"I hear there's going to be a love offering tonight." (don't understand)

My friend told me to come and meet you, he said that you are a really nice person. I think you know him. Jesus, yeah that's his name. (cute)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Songs that soothe

There's nothing like music, a tender reminder to soothe the soul. I was looking through the song list we had for our last CG.

Looking through the lyrics of "Blessed Jesus", I was reminded of what Pastor said. When we are thirsty for Him, it's not about reading the bible, listening to sermons, but what does the Word say?

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. (John 7:37)

It's about coming to Jesus. Him alone. Not the bible. Not doing the christian things. When we open the bible, we ought to pray, "Abba, open the eyes of my heart to see Jesus" so that the bible becomes a medium of connection to Him - not just read for the sake of reading. How I needed to be reminded of that!

Blessed Jesus

Blessed Jesus come to me
Soothe my soul with songs of peace
As I look to You alone
Fill me with Your love

Mountains high and valleys low
You will never let me go
By Your fountain let me drink
Fill my thirsty soul

Glorious marvellous grace that rescued me
Holy worthy is the Lamb who died for me!

When circumstances around me distract, when my emotions become confused - when I'm searching for an anchor to hang on to, I struggle to keep my heart and my mind on Him.

Sometimes it's a flow, there's a yearning and a want, and it's easy as I turn, relieved to find Him.

Sometimes it seems difficult because it's easy to let go and get tossed about in the currents - becoming angsty seems so normal in the world, a common indulgence. And I have to struggle to be still and be reminded that it's better, safer, in His arms. Here's a stanza.. :)

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
in quietness and trust

Sometimes, I search God with a desperation. I know He'll never leave nor forsake me. But I'm desperate for a sense of His presence. I wish I have that sense about me all the time. But I know by faith, that He is with me every moment of every day. His is the only unconditional love - a tidal wave of love. A mighty love that I can hang my confidence on. Why then am I desperate for the sense, the emotional quality of it?

I want to sing until I am lost in Your love
Til I'm found in Your presence
Worshipping before Your throne
Filled by Your Spirit
entering into Your flow
Oh, how precious this moment
Lord, I want You to know

It's You, You who have won my heart
Taken me into Your arms
Comforted me like a friend
Your love surrounded me from the start
I never want to be apart
from You ever again

Perhaps, in terms of His love, I'll always want to be Abba's beautiful beloved child. And yet in other ways, I want to grow up faster! Be an adult - to be more mature spiritually! Hmm.. what is spiritual maturity? I think it's not about bible knowledge or going to bible school.. but to have that revelation of the width, length, depth and height of His love for me - that beautiful revelation of Jesus! Oh Abba, show me more!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


I went rollerblading yesterday morning. When I started off, I was petrified with the fear of falling. No amount of tongues could help.

In the end, I fell down on my rear-end three times! Praise God the fall was cushioned! :D

The first was a big one! One moment I was standing, the next, I was falling backwards and landed hard on my bum. I had the breath knocked out of me. The last time I had a hard fall was when I fell off a horse! :)

When I fell the next 2 times, I had gotten 'used' to it. The fear became lesser and lesser.. so I guess something good did come out of me falling! :)

When I fell, there was a song track repeating itself in my mind - Toby Mac's "Whoopsi Daisy" hahaha.. you can check it out here here

To keep Your lovely face

To keep your lovely face
Ever before my eyes
This is my prayer
Make it my strong desire

That in my secret heart
No other love competes
No rival throne survives
And I serve only You

Friday, October 14, 2005

Every new day

This song is by Hillsong. It is actually titled "My Greatest Love" But I love to sing this song, especially at the start of the day. It reminds me that every sunrise is a miracle. It reminds me to come to him when I thirst.

I was watching this song on VCD just now. And the camera zoomed in on one of the lead worshippers. I remembered the testimony that he shared. Both his parents are deaf - growing up, there didn't seem to be opportunities to enjoy music, yet it is through God's grace that he has the love and heart to use music to worship and enjoy Him. I could see that he was moved during worship, perhaps remembering all the times when He has been faithful.

And I'm just reminded that He is the author of our lives, the alpha and the omega - we are living epistles, our names engraved on His hands - and He's still writing, He isn't finished with me yet, He's still writing a love story on my life. :)

Every new day
Your glory unfolds
Filling my eyes
with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness
brings worship anew
My greatest love is You

Draw me deeper
into Your grace
The river that flows
from the holy place
Wash over me
Cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Brains matter

I was watching the comedy Friends yesterday. Anyway, there was this scene whereby Ross was telling his friends that years ago, he had come up with this comic character called "Science boy" whose superpower was his insatiable thirst for knowledge. The audience laughed, presumerably 'cos that was such a 'geeky' thing to think up.

I was thinking, was it that funny?

In a way, Friends is quite an adult comedy, not because it tells dirty jokes or anything like that, but of the implicit presumptions that it shares with the audience. Most people are unawares because it is very subtle. It is for a mature audience because younger people (I'm thinking about teenagers) may not be able to discern the values it promotes.

Just a short scene described above, was a subtle put-down for a hardworking bookish child - perhaps the effects are far ranging precisely because it is not obvious.

That's so sad. A hunger for knowledge is mocked at. Perhaps because we are in a civil society, it is not expressed as uglily as say, racism. But titters and little snide remarks are just as devastating, all the more so because it's insidious.

It seems with modern technology and better education, we are so focused on the physical (looks, clothes, body) and the material (cash, car, condo). Trying to find joy and happiness in the things and people that surround us rather than being content and joyful with ourselves first.

There's a difference between being alone and being lonely. One can be with a group of friends, be married, and still be lonely. It is not a matter of numbers.

I think sometimes, people are afraid to be by themselves so they surround themselves with a buzz of activities.

Have we ever taken time to cultivate the soul and the spirit? To reflect, to think and to appreciate? To cultivate the faculties of the mind in reflective contemplation. To cultivate the soul with music, art, sound, observation.

It is only when our inner man is filled that we can appreciate the world and people around us, rather than to take from them; to serve others rather than to let our happiness and self-esteem depend on them.

Have you ever heard this term called "renaissance man"? Think Leonardo da Vinci..

A renaissance man is a philosopher, an artist, a scientist, a painter, a musician.. etc. And I'm just thinking, where does he get all the time to be all these? And this being about three to four hundred years ago? With the opportunities and technology and the vast amount of knowledge we have today, where's the renaissance man of the 21st century?

They had time.

How do we spend our time today?

Time in the present - gobbled away in front of the telly, reading the newspaper, dazed on the bus to work, stoned after clubbing on the way home. And then to come home, empty, drained on resources, too busy then, too tired now to realise loneliness. But as the head touch the pillow, and eyes stare at the ceiling, and the heart ask, "is there all there is"?

My experience once upon a time, praise God, never again!

They say that people only use 10% of their brain in their lifetime.

I believe that it'll be more than that for us.

Various reasons. But in short,

1. mind of Christ
2. observation on cranial activities when praying in tongues
3. long life, days of heaven on earth - mind needs to store years of knowledge and experience

Oh, there's something noble, exciting and thrilling to thirst for knowledge! It's the anticipation, about being lost, the thrill of discovery, the journey to find the answer - it is in the debates, the theory, practical application - it is in the realization of bringing an intangible idea into tangible fruition.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Falling in love

Have you fell in love before?

I had crushes before and a fling once. But I knew that wasn't love. So how does falling in love feel?

And I've been thinking about this question for the past 2 weeks. Does love come with heart pounding or a logical discussion? How do I differentiate between attraction and love? Is it love when it doesn't 'measure up' to one's romantic ideals?

So I sighed, 'cos never having fallen in love before, I wouldn't know right? Just follow the peace in my heart when it comes.

Yesterday, one of the songs we sang for worship was "First Love". It was so apt 'cos I was thinking about this song a few days ago. Click here for the lyrics.

Sometimes, I think I know the song.. but during worship, it's a two-way thing. It's not me singing of my love for Him, it's also feeling His embrace.

As I was singing the song, it was like looking through a journal of our times together. Perhaps much like during a wedding, where they would show a photojournal of the happy couple's courtship.

And I realised, falling in love with Jesus - well, He's not just God and my Beloved, He's also that somebody. Sometimes we think that there's my God and then, there's also physical man. Someone that I can see, touch and love.

The song reminded me. I felt like Jesus was tenderly saying, "Don't say you've never fallen in love before. Remember falling in love with me? The first time we met?" And then the past came back as sweet memories.

First love is the most precious. I think it's impossible to know love unless one has been loved by Him.

Because You first loved me, Jesus I want You to be.
I want You to be, my first love.

Perhaps, after that first love, knowing that I am loved and precious in His eyes, I treasure myself.

Before, I asked myself whether it was too idealistic to harbour romantic feelings or to dream of a certain type of love. Some people call it high expectations. Better to be realistic and down-to-earth. Love is not a giddy feeling.

Perhaps true. Love is not simply romance. Love is a decision. And the beauty of time is that love becomes passion. I just recall the title of this book I had. Never read it 'cos it was too thick. But it was a ficticious story with religious elements involved. And the title was, "The Agony and the Ectasy".

I never thought about love in those terms. But what a brother mentioned got me thinking. When we talk about the Passion of Christ and of the love that would send His son down as a living sacrifice. That love is not about an emotionally, feeling-good sensation. That love goes beyond feelings, reaching past the soul (the realm of the mind and understanding) into the spirit.

And the beauty of marriage and growing deeper into love is like that.

Of course, romance is still involved. How often does my Jesus affirm me wash me with His Word! When I worshipped with that song yesterday, I'm reminded to keep my ideals and romance - what lady doesn't have dreams? :) When I see how precious I am in His eyes, so I was in my own sight.

Having high expectations is not about having the 5Cs. (Is it still called the 5 Cs?) Nope, high expectations is about valuing yourself. I read an interesting quote from a book once. Paraphrasing here, "So many women want to be treated as princesses, but they resist and refuse to treat their husbands as kings." It's not about one upmanship but mutual submission. Only secure people are able to be humble and submit.

I don't have to worry about falling in love or not. Oh, to have that fresh reminder that He's my first love.. I don't have to worry 'cos I've already fallen in love. If it's true love, how can one love 2 different persons at the same time?

That is why, what would draw me to a person (be it as a brother or life partner) would be the hesad love of God in his heart. (I suppose that's how one chooses one's closer friends too.)

Is love that complicated? Financial maturity and responsibility is the only other criteria for me. The 'must-haves'. :) (yes, I'm following Pastor's message - which I believe is practical wisdom from God)

Is love complicated in a materialistic world? In Singapore, it is said that the men propose here by saying, "let's get a flat" (I'm sure this is an over-exaggeration. haha :D) Let's not reduce marriage to a financial partnership. argh! where's the romance, love and passion in that?!

I'm wondering whether I should have a post on "Courtship - letting her fall in love with you" hmmm... most of my conclusions would come from the interaction of my observations on my relationship with Him and my relationship with friends.. then again, perhaps not.

Like to end this post with what Jesus sang to me yesterday. :)

Sally, you are, more precious than silver
Sally, you are, most costly than gold
Sally, you are, more beautiful than diamonds
And nothing I desire, compares to you.

And He's singing this song to you. Not to the world. It is a song personally to you. Just listen to your heart.. :)

Monday, October 10, 2005


The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy. Pastor has been preaching on righteousness and peace for the past two years.. and today, joy!

Joy stems from thanksgiving! It seems so simple isn't it? And yet we don't realise, don't give thanks for the here and now. Sometimes, I hanker for the past, the if-onlys and worry for the future what-ifs.

Truely, there are things here and now that I am blessed with that I am not thankful for. I guess its human nature to think the grass is greener on the other side; to think, if only I have this gadget, earn this salary, get this degree, be with this person, I will be happy, I will be satisfied.

If we can't be happy and joyful and be thankful for the blessings we have now, what makes us think we'll be happy after?

I have been looking at my deficiencies and other people's blessings and have forgotten what I have. I look at the material, the money earned, the clothes worn and forgetto value my own.

I've forgotten that I have everything already. I have Jesus.

Have I given thanks today?

Thank You Abba, that You are with me always.

Thank You Abba, that Your love is unconditional. You'll never leave me, nor forsake me, even when I disappoint You.

Thank You Abba, that You are my encourager. You'll not let me be disappointed with myself nor even let self-condemnation touch me. Your acceptance and love embraces me at all times.

Thank You Lord, for my family who have been so patient with me, so undemanding and faithful.

Thank You Lord, for my friends who have been source of inspiration and joy. That I may learn from each and everyone of them.

Thank You Lord, for setting me in families. You answered my prayer even after I've forgotten all about it.

Thank You Lord, that You are always faithful, even when I am faithless.

Thank You Lord for sunshine and rain.. I love the rain especially! When it's night and I feel so safe and comfortable.

Thank You Lord for revealing Your presence through the wonders of nature.. it's in the details, how marvellously creative You are!

Thank You Lord for children! They are beautiful and they are gifts and reminders of how gently You have crafted me too.. known me.. living demonstrations of what love is.

Thank You Abba, for sending down Jesus, Your only son to die on the cross for me whilst I was still in my sins.

Thank You Jesus, for giving yourself. For knowing the cost, and counting it worthwhile. You lived to die, rejected and alone. You took the fall, and thought of me, above all.

Thank You Lord, for a curious mind and aesthetic sense. hahaha :D

Thank You Abba, for placing me in Singapore with all those marvellous food!

Thank You Lord, for this sexy cool white notebook that I'm currently typing on! It's hip man!

Thank You Lord for revealing Your truths in my heart.. for feeding my soul.

Thank You Lord, for being the light of my life!

Thank You Lord, for an awesome life partner, a glorious marriage and beautiful children!

Thank You Lord, for life and life more abundantly!

Thank You Abba for Your favour! For your double portion! For making me a king priest. For your abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness through Your sacrifice!

Thank You Lord for my senses, to enjoy colour, relish taste, decipher sounds, sniff and convey feelings through touch.

There're so many other things to thank you for. And as I'm typing this, that smile on my face is getting broader. Thank You Lord, You are my joy!

I shall remember. The day that Jesus was crucified as a living sacrifice - that was the day that You have made. And by his death, we are victorious! Thank You Jesus..

Psalm 118:22-29

The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
This was the LORD’s doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day the LORD has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it

Save now, I pray, O LORD;
O LORD, I pray, send now prosperity.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!
We have blessed you from the house of the LORD.
God is the LORD,
And He has given us light;
Bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar.
You are my God, and I will praise You;
You are my God, I will exalt You.

Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Snap decisions

Okay, my dear readers, this post may seem a little in the abstract 'cos it's a public blog :D But I think you'll get the principles of it...

It's strange how it's sometimes possible to turn on and off one's emotional valve. To be able to make a logical decision on an 'emotional' issue well, emotionlessly. These could be issues relating to job and in particular, relationships.

Some may deem it 'ruthless'(??) but I enjoy the clarity that comes with it. I believe that it's His peace that guards our hearts. It's becomes easier to cut ourselves away from issues that are potentially emotional. I guess when all that matter is Christ, compassion and love flows where it should, where there is life. And where there is no life, and because I know that all my passions are vested in Christ, nothing else and no one else matters as much as Him. When I recognise the relative value of what I am currently holding dear and what Jesus is to me, the former becomes like dust.

In the last fortnight, I've made 'snap' decisions on 3 potentially emotional issues. It was quite painless. Except for the latest, probably 'cos it's only yesterday, so there's still the twinge of nostalgia. But I have that confidence that whatever decisions I make, my God, my Abba is so jealous of me, He'll never let me get hurt.

The decisions are easy to make (hence 'snap' haha) 'cos if what I see now seems good but I know it's not the best for me, how much more the real thing - the unshakeable promise and plans that He has already laid for me in my future. I mean, what I see is already good and I am already willing to take it - if I'm already satisfied at this level and it's the 'wrong' one, how much more the 'right' one! How much more glorious is my hope in Him and His promise! Hallelujah!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Read slowly.

The LORD is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Psalm 23

Dare to let God loose in you

E.W. Kenyon said that! The above title. I'm flipping through the pages of "The Blood Covenant" lent to me by a beloved sister. Below is a few paragraphs extracted from a chapter:-

"Do you know what hinders our faith toay?

We go before the Lord, BUT we listen to the devil before we go there. We go there with a sense of inferiority, the devil's message ringing in our ears!

Christians as a whole are afraid of Satan, dare not say they are free, dare not face Satan.

God's Righteousness makes you fearless in Satan's presence.

We rob the work of Jesus Christ of its efficacy, and we stand pwoerless before the adversary because we have doubted the integrity of the Word of God.

God's righteousness has been imparted to you, not as an "experience," but as a legal fact.

This is the most tremendous truth that God has given us in the Pauline REvelation, and this is the very heart of the New Covenant, that God makes us like Himself.

Weren't you made in His image and likeness?

That image is an image of righteousness.

If God declares that you are righteous, what business have you to condemn yourself?

Are you a partner of Christ? Do you dwell in Christ? Does Christ dwell in you?

Paul said, "It is no longer I that live, but Christ liveth in me" Gal 2:20

The Incarnation was God becoming one with us.

The Blood Covenant made Paul disown himself and utterly own Christ as his life. It made Christ leave Glory and come here to be one with us.

Now you can stand asf earlessly in the presence of hell, in the presence of the devil, as you would inthe presence of some little inferior thing.

Didn't Jesus meet him and conquer him for us? Didn't He strip him of his authority? Didn't He take his armor from him, and didn't He leave him paralyzed?

Greater is He that is in us than the devil.

Why should we be afraid of him?

Why not stand before the world as a conqueror?

You are in blood covenant relationship with God Almighty.

Are you a partaker of the Divine nature? Yes.

Are you a son of God? Yes.

Has God given you His righteousness? Yes

Is God your righteousness? Certainly.

Then, has He given you a legal right to the use of Jesus' name? Certainly.

Do you see what kind of man you are?

You are not a weakling. You stand like the Son of God. You are a son of God.

I say it reverently, if I understand the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, this is the vision He has given me of it: that all of heaven's ability and heaven's glory and heaven's strength are at the dispoal of the believer.

This is the most miraculous thing the world ever saw.

I believe that in the last days there is going to be an unveiling of the power of God, and multitudes will arise and live.

If you believe on Jesus Christ, He IS your righteousness.

Then go out and act it. Dare to let God loose in you."

The Way You are

I heard about Christian rock group "The Afters" from our church magazine. I'm new to their music and not really a fan yet. But I've been reading through the lyrics. In particular, the chorus of this song, "The Way You are"

It's like the sun swallowed up by the earth
Like atomics bombs in reverse
As if a glass could contain the sea
That's the way You are in me
That's the way You are

Monday, October 03, 2005

First Love

Was flipping through the notes and thoughts I've written down during Ben-gen camp. Realised I have taken down the lyrics to a song we sang.

I think part of my heart is crying out, to stay true to Him. To the One who loves me. No relationship with man can ever replace His love. I cling to Him because He is unchangeable, His love, unconditional, dependable. My rock, my love!

It's a beautiful song. Even if you don't know the melody, read the lyrics, close your eyes and imagine yourself speaking to Him, your Beloved. :) How wonderful He is!

First love, my first love
My soul longs after You
First love, my first love
I want my heart to stay true

Because You first love me
Jesus, I want You to be
I want You to be
my first love