Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Tues CG: The Will and Call of God

The will of God. The call of God

This is my personal opinion. :)

The will of God and the call of God are not the same.

The call of God is how we can serve Him. The direction in which He has empowered us to serve. We have to receive first to serve.

The will of God is how He can serve me. The will of God is for me to be happy, to enjoy life, to reign in life, to be blessed in health, prosperity and peace. The will of God is to give us Jesus. Jesus is our answer to our every need. The mystery of His will is Christ in us the hope of glory. It is to enjoy intimacy with Him, being One with Him.

And then having that revelation knowledge of the will of God, we can then walk the call of God.

How do we fulfil our calling?

Christ in us, the hope of glory.

The grace of God. When He calls us to do something, we don't have to do it by our self-effort. The Holy Spirt (the spirit of Christ) in us, He will do it.

When God calls us, He will fulfil it. We, through Christ, can do it because of His faithfulness and His righteousness.

That really relieves the pressure. 'cos we don't have to do it. We can't. He can.

How do we know His calling?

His sheep know His voice. That's what the Word say. Believe it. You will know it. He tells us.

Can we miss it? Maybe we want to hear what we want to hear, like Paul, preaching in the synagogues instead of to the gentiles.

But even in our mistakes, God is still gracious. He can still bless our mistakes. God is still true to His Word, still willing to sozo even when Paul preached in the synagogues to the jews.

42So when the Jews went out of the synagogue, the Gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. 43Now when the congregation had broken up, many of the Jews and devout proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God. (Acts 13)

4And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded both Jews and Greeks. (Acts 18)

But the Lord will make all things work for our good - like Joseph.

And when we miss it, He will never leave us and still lead us to the call. That's just so great! It means we can never miss it! It means even when we are stubborn and refuse to, God can still persuade us, in spite of ourselves!

Acts 18

5When Silas and Timothy had come from Macedonia, Paul was compelled by the Spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ. 6But when they opposed him and blasphemed, he shook his garments and said to them, "Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles." 7And he departed from there and entered the house of a certain man named Justus,[a] one who worshiped God, whose house was next door to the synagogue. 8Then Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his household. And many of the Corinthians, hearing, believed and were baptized.

9Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, "Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; 10for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city." 11And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.

When Paul tried to preach to the jews, they rejected Christ again. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. Because of this particular incident, Paul finally gave up and declared that he will go to the gentiles.

God sees our heart. He also knows us better than we know ourselves. And in this case, He knew Paul's limit. We know that where God leads, there is a grace. In this case, God was the one who led Paul to this group of unrepentent Jews (v5). So in spite of being compelled by the Spirit, the sharing was a disaster and propelled Paul back into God's calling for Him. It was the Lord who encouraged Paul's mistake.

So you see, how can we miss it? He loves us so much that He will not allow us to suffer even the consequences of our own mistakes for long. Praise the Lord!

Our Abba is a creative God. By hook or by crook, in this case, it's by crook that Paul was 'tricked' into reaching his boiling point. Abba does have a sense of humour. :)

Of course, looking back it's funny now. But it wasn't funny then. If only we knew what we knew and just trusted in Him. Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves, to take oneself beyond time, and beyond surrounding circumstances and be blind to all that; and just rest and remind ourselves that El-Shaddai, who is also my Abba, my Father loves me and has everything under control. :)

[note Acts 18:5 - the phrase 'compelled by the spirit' or 'pressed by the spirit' (KJV, NKJV, Young) are missing in some translations. (NASB, Amplied, NLT, NIV)]

Personally, I believe that since Abba loves me too much to leave me nor forsake me, He won't just keep quiet and let me carry on with my mistake. And since the holy spirit is in me, He teaches me all things. As long as I am in the Word, it is a light to my path, my guide. [Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path - Psalm 119:105] It is impossible for me to carry on in the wrong direction where there is a light.

Reality, Winning and Seeing Jesus in others

What is reality?

How do we define reality? By own sense-knowledge? By our experiences? By what we see and feel?

Why is this important to think on? Because sometimes, our estimation of our own worth comes by what we see, what we experience. It comes by comparison of what I have, what others wealth. It is a measure of wealth, of health, of feelings.

Reality is not temporal. It is the Word. It is the gospel. Man lives by the Word of God. If we cling on to this as reality and discount our experiences as truth, whatever is in our hearts will soon produce the physical works, and not by our own efforts.

How do we win in life?

It is not about spending quiet time only. Doing spiritual-related activities like going to church. We are not blessed on that basis.

It is seeing Jesus all the time. Relating everyday things to the Word. Referring every problem to Him. Just coming to Him and even demanding, "Abba! How? I keep falling."

And to know that our falling cannot keep us away from Him. I'm just holding on and refusing to let my experiences define how 'good' a Christian I am; defining whether I am a good testimony or not.

If I allow myself to believe that - and everything starts with a tiny thought, I get distracted from the Word because this wrong assumption makes me feel like a hypocrite. How can I be preaching the Word when I can't even practice it?

But it's only by holding on to the Word - that's my only hope - by beholding Jesus and disregarding life experiences, by acknowledging that Jesus is my only reality, can I be transformed, can my circumstances be changed.

Burning Hearts

It is more important to Jesus that we see Him in the bible than we see Him physically.

Seeing Jesus in others

Man is made in the image of God - keep that in mind.

Once upon a time, a girl fell in love with a boy. They were young, they were in love, so they got married. But as time passed, she realised that he was an irresponsible young man. And although both were Christians, he just could not be bothered.

The lady on the other hand, was active in church. Divorce was out of the question. She started counselling in church and at times, would be involved in counselling some men from the church. But she was always careful not to become too involved.

Then, she met him. He was funny, witty, in love with God, generous and so easy to talk to. To her horror, she felt that she was falling in love with him. She turned to God and cried out to him. She felt condemned.

And God spoke to her. He told her that it was not that she was falling in love with him. She was falling in love with the aspects of Jesus that she sees in him.

Wow.. I never thought that there was this way of falling in love. But it's so true isn't it? Perhaps especially true for ladies, because we are not visual creatures ;P For myself, I tend to be more drawn to people who are in love with Jesus, who depend heavily on Him. It inspires in me feelings of respect, love and in some cases, a latent spark of attraction. I can just see the glory of the Lord in them. From them, flows living waters - words of wisdom that edifies and glorifies Him. It's like basking in the warm glow of love and hope.

It is not limited to just a life partner. To keep an eye out for aspects of Jesus in our brethren - that's quite exciting. :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

What about that loving feeling?

First move

Okay, so the bible did not say that guys must make the first move (ref. Ruth) In the bible, it was quite obvious that Boaz already liked Ruth.

But even when it was the lady who was brought to the man, it was God who orchestrated it. (ref Issac and Rebecca; Adam and Eve) They were not looking out for anyone.

To me it's very simple. If he likes you, he'll move. If he don't, he won't.

What about that loving feeling?

I've been talking to Abba about the grand topic of love, oh, for the last 5 months. Having experienced a crush before in my university days, I never wanted my emotions to be sucked into a quicksand ever again. I'll just share it from a female perspective for easy writing but it's applicable to both genders.

The following observations are in the pre-dating stage: (when we are 'in limbo')

1. Is it love?

No one can answer that for sure. Is it attraction or is it love?

2. Immediately ask God to guard your heart with His peace. Then you can think more clearly and rationally.

3. How to measure your emotional maturity?

a. Don't fantasize. It's not fair for him. It's not fair for you. Especially if he's a brother in Christ. Have respect, even in your thoughts. How? Take no thought saying... Ask God to guard your heart and mind.

b. Know that how you feel is independent of what he feels about you or whether he likes someone else or whether someone else like him. Is knowing how he feels about you or someone else going to affect how you feel about him? If that's so, you may be in love with love or just having a fantasy.

c. you're genuinely happy when he likes someone else 'cos you want him to be happy.

I shared this with a sister and she said that that didn't sound like love. It's like it's too wei3 da4. :D If you really liked or love someone, surely you would mind if he were going out with someone else, or else your feeling is not deeply rooted enough.

That got me thinking... 'cos God was a jealous God right? And God is love. So is there something wrong if love does not produce jealousy?

But what was the Lord's jealousy? In the old testament, He was jealous for the children of Israel. They whored when they worshipped other idols. He was jealous of them in that way. Why? Because He loves them so much, He wants the best for them and they are only able to experience the best in life when they are with Him. That is the Lord's jealousy. We don't define the Lord's jealousy after our own human infirmities..after our own concept of jealousy.

And I realise the world has taught as that love is a very complicated thing. You worry about the person, you 'chase' after THE ONE, it's natural to be jealous - all these are indications of love because of your desire for that person. Why are we assimilating the world's point of view?

Flip it the other way.

Why must love be so complicated? Love is actually very simple.

Love becomes complicated when we want the person FOR ourselves. I desire that person because I want him for me. The focus is on what I want, on what I will lose.

Love becomes simple if one loves the person for who he is. Just FOR him. I am happy because you are. I love you just because you are. I'm not blind to your faults but because I love you, it's easy to accept them and not try to change you. The focus is on HIM.

c. So really, love is very simple and direct and enjoyable.

Now, when it's reciprocrated, that's another category altogether. I suppose one would call it Passion. :)

Practice Notes - a fusion

Practical lessons

You can know all about loving someone with the love of God. A brother once told me that we have to "bear with one another in love" and that "iron sharpens iron" - that bearing with conflicts actually help us grow.

A few months ago, I thought that everything should be easy 'cos we're loving with His love, not with our own human love as the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost. At that point of time, I was quite a loner (have always been comfortable with my own company), now that I know more people, of all types, it's time to put my belief to the test.

And when it comes to practical lessons - I have tried to be inclusive with people I don't really like. But it's too tiring. I remembered Pastor said, "don't try and just let go." So I told the Lord, "I just don't like him/her and I'm not going to try."

Well, I still say hi/bye and am generally friendly, but I no longer make an effort to remind myself why I should like them.

By not making an effort to see their good points, I begin to see their good points. And I won't say that we're on our way in becoming great friends, it has now become easier to accept and love them as they are.


I'm a note-taker. It's been a habit from college. It's not compulsive. I only jot down good stuff. There was once I was on the phone with a brother having a casual conversation, when he just started ministering. It was like, hey, anointed words, so I started taking down notes over the phone. I don't think he knew...

Sometimes when we're just sitting about supper and just talking, my sister or brother would say make some insightful comments. Well, I can't just whip out my notebook, so I just put it in my memory, and write it down when I get home.

Sometimes I don't bother... I just mull it over in my mind for the next few days...

Monday, June 27, 2005

Singles' Ministry - it's so NOT SDU

Hey, you know what, I like blogging! It clears my thoughts. And I like to get my say on certain things. Like putting them down in black and white makes it permanent.


I enjoy conversations. I especially enjoy testimonials. I love fellowship :) I'm always hearing how Abba did what, how good He is, how much He loves - and I hear it all first hand. It's so precious to me! I love it!

I finally figured out what it is that maximises the enjoyment of the company of friends. Listening. Listen listening. It's fascinating. It's what they say, it's how they respond to what you say, it's when they say certain things, the things left unsaid, the tone, even the vocabulary. And 'listen' with your eyes, the body language. And just by listening, you learn so much. You partake in the experience shared, and for those few moments, you're part of their lives and their thoughts. When people share something with me, they're sharing part of themselves with me. Words are not just words. What is shared will build you up or shake your confidence. That is why it's so important who you associate with too. I find it easy to enjoy people. I love meeting new friends. :) But I'm quite selective too.

Only if we can restrain ourselves is good conversation possible. Good talk rises upon much discipline. John Erskine

Singles Ministry

I was just reminded of this by a sister today. Pointing to our July schedule, she exclaimed, "Oh nooooo... they didn't change the name. It's still called Singles Ministry." :D Poor dear. She's quite attractive and she doesn't want to fend off unsolicited advances. :)

There was some talk that it was going to be called Ben gen (Benjamin generation) or something else so that people won't get the wrong idea. Pastor Joshua reminded us during church camp, there there ain't no fishermen in this ministry, only fishes. :)

You know, the Lord will prepare us for this sort of ministry. If one goes to Him and don't rely on 'self-effort'. Some brothers I know, praise God, it's like they're glory version1.1 and God is still in the midst of transforming them from glory to glory.. but to continue, I ever heard a brother say that in effect, it's a numbers game. Yeeks!

The Singles Ministry is all about why it's so cool to be single! (It's cool to be married too, just different) The Lord is using the ministry to transform us into yakids. To know that we are secure and whole in the Lord alone and not find happiness in somebody else.

What is so exciting is that God is going to be the one who is doing the transforming in this ministry! How? By His Word! He's raising up an army (Isaiah 60), a family established in His love - and He is accelerating it especially in these times. We're going to see transformation right before our eyes! He's raising up ministers, not only to further the gospel but to establish the other brethren.

This is the first step. First to KNOW Him. (See below on 'Hunger')

The pursuit is Jesus. Pressing upward towards that goal of Knowing Him. And let God orchestrate the rest. (ref. Adam and Eve; Isaac and Rebecca)

It does not mean that when one is single, one has more time without a family, to serve the Lord. A thousand times no! [Reflect on what exactly is serving the Lord]

Pastor Christine Cane said something to the effect, (my paraphrase based on my impression of how it spoke to me) - Why should I marry if it draws me away from Jesus? Marriage only makes sense if it empowers both of us to draw closer to Him.

Why is the devil so against marriage? The divorce rates, the broken families..

Because the union between man and woman is most powerful. Paul talked about a mystery, the relationship between Jesus and His bride (the church). This is the second 'step'.

Abba, I don't know what is in store for me in the future. But I know it must be good! I just know that You love me and I know that I can trust in You. You are faithful to Your Word. Jesus, You are faithful to me. You know my thoughts.. I must have spoken to You so many times of this. Lord, I thank You that it is Your shalom peace that guards my heart. I am so satisfied with You goodness in my life! Show me, more and more, Your goodness and Your mercy. Show me Jesus, that I may just fall in love all over again! Romance me O lover of my soul, to the Song of all Songs! You're awesome. It's times like this when I feel close to You. Remind me, that even when I don't feel it, You are with me, always. :) I love You so.

Of handbags, men and Mr Not Right Now

Good morning! It's 10 am now and I was reading through Lifestyle. I came across two interesting articles.

1. Handbag carrying boyfriends

I'm surprised this is even an issue. :) It implies how society measures macho-ism. Personally, I think that it's sweet. It's way past beyond secure in one's uh, manhood I suppose. There's nothing wrong in carrying a girly pink flowery handbag... as long as your girlfriend is with you.

2. Waiting out for Mr Right

Clara Chow's articles are always a pleasure to read. They are down-to-earth and humourous and well-written.

Well, I partially agree. Blind dates don't work. And anyway, a solid foundation for any relationship is a good friendship. And never settle. It's not fair for him. It's not fair for you.

What I don't agree is... hmm.. the LIST. Yes. All women have a list. They want this and that and this and that. Then when they meet any men, out pops the mental checklist. It's tiring when you're 'interviewing' prospects each time.

Hey, men are human beings too, not simply potential mates. Since strangers are just people you haven't met yet, get to know the person, regardless of gender. And it's exciting to get to know a person. It's like peeling an onion. Okay, not the best analogy, but people are multi-faceted and it's interesting to peel off the layers. Generally, I think, guys are easier to read than girls (but maybe I'm wrong)

So hmm.. how about me? Does that mean I have no criteria and look for inner beauty only? Sigh.. I'm only human and I am a woman. Don't have a list. Just 2 must have requirements.

i. The hesad love of God.
ii. Financial maturity

The, criteria is purely optional and shall remain private. :) I just believe that He has given me the wisdom to discern and that His shalom peace will guard my heart and guide my choice.

Sunday, June 26, 2005



What is being mediocre?

It is being satisfied with what you have. Does that mean that being contented is being mediocre?

I think contentment is that shalom peace - His peace that guards our heart.

But pressing into God, knowing Him; pressing in until we get to enjoy the inheritance He has qualified us for. That hunger for all the blessings of God. Not for ourselves - that does not satisfy, but asking God to open the windows of heaven and pour out such blessings on us so that we can in turn be a blessing.

To be empowered by Almighty God to give.

It's frustrating when we feel compassion and we have to calculate to see how much we can give. That isn't God's best for us.

Yet, there is nothing we can do to get His blessings. There is a natural paradox. It is man's desire to work to get the blessings of God - but only grace can usher in super-abundant blessings. That goes against our natural instinct. But the fact is, we don't have to work because we have been qualified by His blood.

It is a choice for us to allow God to bless us. That seems like a strange thing to say because who wouldn't want God's blessings? But we can't work for the blessings - we can't work for something that we're qualified to have. Just as a son can't doing anything to get his inheritance - it is His birthright.

It is not about great talents or works but great rest. Resting in Jesus' finished work.

For it is only through true rest can we work. I am not trying to sound 'zen' here. Our work can only be satisfying when we approach it from a place of rest - knowing that all is given. You see, we have to know. Not in our heads, but in our hearts. Then, we will be burning up not out. And as Christ is revealed to me more and more, I learn to rest in Him, more and more.

The blessings come as a consequence of our relationship with Him.

The hunger is to know Him. The focus is on the relationship. Like all relationships, it takes time and 'effort' to know a person.

So how do we cultivate a relationship with Him?

Talk to Him! Practice the consciousness of His presence. But most of all, to MEDITATE ON HIS LOVE for me. To know His love FOR me. I am filled with the fullness of God when I know that I know that I know He loves me.

And contentment does not mean being satisfied in the status quo. We should not ever be contented in our relationship with God. I am speaking in regards to degree.

Just as in an intimate marriage relationship with your man (or woman as it may be). What is the goal here? To know him, spirit, soul and body. And that is not enough, his thoughts, his desires, to please him, to give to him, to receive. The moment one party is satisfied, the relationship stagnates; we start to take the other for granted.

And why do we take the other granted? Because the 'goal' is defined wrongly. We think that that is all. Getting him, getting married is the final goal. No, knowing him, being one, is the ultimate goal. And therein lies the spark, the zing, the chemistry, that latent explosive, that simmering passion, that falling in love more and more because there is a mystery there, a glory there.

Some Christians think that getting saved from hell is all. Some think that getting all the blessings is the goal (nothing wrong with getting blessings) No, the ultimate goal, is knowing Jesus. Spirit, soul and body.

God used earthly relationships to teach us of our relationship with Him. Whenever a man made love to a woman, the bible describes it as "knew" (Genesis 4:1)(cf, sex when the phrase "lie with me" is used)

The goal is not knowing about Jesus. Jesus is our bridegroom. It is knowing Him, in the biblical sense. Husband and wife are one flesh. Jesus and I are one spirit. Daily, I renew my mind so that we will be one soul. That is the goal, to KNOW Him.

The Gardens

Botanic Gardens

Praise God! Today, I chilled out with some of my friends from the nursery ministry. We had a picnic at the Shaw Foundation Symphony Park there. The New Zealand band was playing. It was pretty cool 'cos they had some jazzy pieces and some music whose personality can only be described as cheeky! ;P

Anyhow, I didn't have time to really walk around the park. But as I was sitting there, with the green green grass underneath, under the shades of some balmy trees, and with the fresh smell of plants and the humid warmth of the sun - I just thought how it might be like when God first created earth. Earth was a garden! But oh, with waterfalls and mountains and mists.. One of my wishes in life is to have a superb view of a sunrise and a sunset. A sunrise pronounces the beginning of life - as light slowly, gently seeps across the dark and blossoms, in gradual colours across a once dark plate. A sunset declares the end of a glorious day, a quiet satisfaction and a lingering anticipation of a hope of a new day.

Can you handle the Truth?


The armour of God starts with truth.

His Word is called truth because it is meant to be belived. He wants us to believe.

Why is truth the first component in the armour?

Everything in the armour hinges on our right believing. Right believing produces right living.

There was a story that Deaconess Lian shared. There are a severely depressed man who approached Pastor Joel Austin (hope I got the name right). He was suffering from depression these past 6 years, ever since he broke up with his girlfriend. Pastor asked him what he thought about first thing in the morning.

"Oh, I would think about how I should go on with life now that she has left me. What she said when we broke up..."

Pastor said, "Well, I'm no psychologist or doctor. But there is nothing wrong with your emotions."

"Nothing wrong? But I feel so sad without her.. How can there be nothing wrong with my emotions? I haven't got over her these 6 years!"

"There is nothing wrong with your emotions. What you have to change is your thinking."

I thought that was such a powerful statement. Think about it.

There is nothing wrong with your emotions. Your emotions follow your thoughts.

That is why, what you believe is so important.

Living the Christian life is not about doing; about doing to be right with God. When we do things unto the Lord, it is effortless. We come from a place of rest, knowing that everything has been given.

I believe there is a ministry in the marketplace. Lately, I have been frustrated because I examine myself and what I'm believing God for, and it seems so far away. Yes, the problem is I look towards myself and what I should be doing for God to bless me and I start working (i.e. worrying)

Whenever we feel frustrated, or not at rest, or at peace. It is not about doing to get back that lovin' feeling. Nothing we can do can make Him love us any more. Nothing we can do can make Him love us any less.

When we get that way, check your believing.

So what is the truth?

The truth is actually something very powerful, and elusive to the world. Philosophers have debated and talked and discussed, searching all their lives for the truth.

What is the meaning of life?

Ordinary people (I have been ordinary once :)) go out for parties, seeking acceptance in friends and social enjoyment, only to go home alone, lonely, thinking, "Is this all there is?" There is a vacuum inside, crying out for someone to understand.

We all need to know that we are loved. We need to know that. It gives us the strength to go on, to know that we matter.

What is truth?

13In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, (Ephesians 1:13)

Truth = Gospel of your salvation.

So what? How does the gospel of salvation profit me?

16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,[a] for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Romans 1:16)

The gospel is the power of God.

The power of God to salvation. What is salvation?

Salvation. In greek, soteria, In hebrew, Yshuwah. (Hmm.. familiar? Moses said, "Stand still, and see the salavation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today." (Exodus 14:13)

Salvation is not only saved from hell. It means Deliverance, Protection, Preservation, Prosperity, Safety, Soundness, Welfare and Health.

Our world today. Wouldn't you agree? - It is the best of times. It is the worst of times.

In terms of medicine, liberty, science, technology, education, governments, we have advanced in the last 200 years or so, far beyond the centuries before. With it came terrorism, wars, moral decline, beyond the centuries before.

In a society which has so much more compared to the past, we have also lost much, that which is not seen. Character. A sense of honour, integrity, trustworthiness, forgiveness, generousity, responsibility - these are no longer celebrated. In a world that is so confused, we search for stability and security.

Where do we find it? In the gospel.

What is the gospel?

16For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Sometimes this verse is often repeated, we think we know it; that it's only for 'new' Christians, it's an evangelistic verse for non-believers.

But let's meditate on it for a moment.

God was El-Shaddai. Almighty God. And God was Father. Not just an up-there heavenly Father. He is Abba.

And He "so loved" the world. Not only love. God is already love. But He SO loved. He SO LOVED. It was His desire.

Who did He loved? The world. You and I. He loved me. Did I deserve it? I wasn't even His. The world. When I was yet a sinner. He saw me, He knows my thoughts, knows how I failed, the wrongs I did - and He loved me still.

It's easy to say I love you. How do we know whether He meant it?

When you love someone, your heart is opened, you want to give to that person.

It is the same with the Lord. God so loved, that He GAVE.

And what did He give? His only begotten Son. The value of the gift corresponds with a how another feels for you.

(I don't buy the saying 'it's the thought that counts.' If someone matters to you, out of love, you would get something that corresponds to how you feel)

God gave Jesus, His only Son for me. What do you mean gave His Son for me?

He gave Jesus for me, to go to the cross. Recall the cross, the manner of His death. And God SO LOVED me, when I was yet unborn, when I was yet not His, that He gave His only Son for me, to die for me.

How can one fantham? A Holy God who knew no sin to become sin. An eternal God who chooses to die for me. He chose to go through the scourging, His back ravaged ("The plowers plowed on my back; They made their furrows long -Psalm 129:3)

And the lion of Judah chose to take His place as a lamb, SACRIFICED on the cross. (He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth. - Isaiah 53:7)

We are not an accident. Why did He choose the cross?

"looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)

Who was the joy set before Him?

He must have seen what would happen if He chose the cross. Through the cross God reconciled the world to Himself. Cleansed by the blood, the holy spirit can now reside in us.

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father" (Romans 8:15 NKJV)

What was His joy? He saw us, His family. He saw His family, and for that He endured the cross, despising the shame.

And how do we approach God? Romans 8:15

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" (The Message)

15For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father! (The Amplified Bible)

15So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family[a]--calling him "Father, dear Father." (New Living Translation)

What is the gospel?

God loves you so much that He gave His son to take our beating so that we have His blessings.

We walk by faith and not by sight.

Don't believe bad news no matter who says it.
When push comes to shove, who are you going to believe? The Straits Times or God? The doctors or God? The statistics or God? The symptoms you can feel or God? Your intellect or God?

How do we know what God is saying?

It's all in His Word.

Don't lose the consciousness of Abba's love for you. It is important to have that consciousness, because with it, comes the boldness to receive.

Well, that sounds real good. But I'm not reigning in life. How do I make it practical? How can the Word work for me?

17Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. (1 John 4:17)

The day of judgement is not THAT day of the apocolyspe. The word 'judgement' here comes from the greek word 'krisis'. (check out; bibletools, lexicon, greek)

We have to read this verse in the light of the gospel. Not to break up the verse and read it as English.

The word Krisis can mean "opinion or decision given concerning anything
esp. concerning justice and injustice, right or wrong" and "sentence of condemnation, damnatory judgment, condemnation and punishment"

Now Christ is judged once and for all on the cross for ALL our sins. So our sins have already been judged, past, present and FUTURE. All means all. So therefore, there is NOW, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1)

So what does the day of judgment mean here?

Remember, the devil is known as the "accusor of the brethren". He is the accusor. He brings our sins into our remembrance. But God has clearly said that:-

For this is My blood of the new[a] covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. (Matthew 26:28)

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. (Hebrews 8:12)

He comes lying, usually putting thoughts in the first person (i.e. using "I") and says things like, "Call yourself a Christian, how can you do that?" "Is this how I behave? How can I be a living testimony to God?" "Today God isn't with me, 'cos I'm not flowing with him. I didn't do enough quiet time." "You see, I'm sick - now do I believe that God heals? You've been taking the holy communion - doesn't work does it?"

He comes condemning, saying that you've fallen short.

Realise, that the focus is on YOU. Duh.. I already know how unworthy I am. The Christian life is impossible without God. But I have died to self, therefore, it is no longer I who live but Christ in me. (Romans 6)

So whenever the accusor comes, sneaking in and condemning us, we declare, "As Christ IS, so am I IN this world." (not when we go to heaven)

Is Jesus healthy? So am I! Is He prosperous? So am I! Is He joyful? So am I!

Don't let the bad news touch you. Don't focus and believe any bad news. Don't look at yourself. You can't change yourself; on the Lord.

19So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19)

Fear here is not being scared. Fear is worship (as defined by Jesus. See Matthew 4:10)

Why would the enemy come in like a flood?

The Word is often typified as water. (eg. Ephesians 5:26, 1 John 5:8)

So when the enemy comes in like a flood. Now, a flood is a bad thing - but a flood is water. The enemy comes in condemning - He uses God's word and shows you how far you've fallen. That's the trick of the enemy. He uses the Word of God on sincere Christians. But He quotes the Word out of context. And whatever is out of context, is a con.

So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood (Rev 12:15)

The devil impersonates God.

Be sober, be vigilant; because [ NU-Text and M-Text omit because.] your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

There is only one lion of Judah. The devil walks about LIKE. But praise God, he can't just devour anyone. he has to seek. That is why what you believe is so important. You have to rightly believe God's Word. The truth does not automatically set you free. You shall KNOW the truth, and the truth will make you free. (John 8:32)

Lift up a standard - a symbol of victory. A complete, irrevocable victory! The prophercy in the Garden has been fulfilled. The serpent's head has been crushed! The victory is already won! We are not trying to fight for our victory. The devil deceives us saying that we must do more to obtain. When Christ died, It is finished! It is all His work. Not Jesus + me. That is why, we are told, having done all to stand. Just STAND. Stand on the finished work. The fight of faith is to stand. That in spite of all we see, or hear, we are not moved. We are only moved by what we believe, even if it's contrary to our senses. We 'lose' only when we look away from Jesus and the cross and to ourselves.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Armour of God

I was glancing through my notes for last night's bible study. We were going through the first article of the armour of God, which is truth

Armour of God

11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11)

The Armour of God is Jesus Christ.

i. Girdle: Truth

14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; (Eph 6:14)

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)

ii. Breastplate: righteousness

14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; (Eph 6:14)

30But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: (1 Corin 1:30)

iii. shoes: peace

15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; (Eph 6:15)

14For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; (Eph 2:14)

iv. Shield: Faith

16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. (Eph 6:16)

1After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward. (Genesis 15:1)

v. Helmet: Salvation

17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: (Eph 6:17)

1The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

vi. Sword: the Spirit (Rhema word of God)

17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: (Eph 6:17)

Deaconess Lian did not mention a corresponding verse here. I did some checking.

Jesus said "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever" (John 14:15) This comforter is the holy spirit.

The holy spirit is the spirit of Christ.

9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. (Romans 8:9)

vii. using the sword: praying always

18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; (Ephesians 6:18)

11For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

12To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. (Isaiah 28:11-12)

7 different components of the armour of God.

It starts with the truth and ends with us resting (7th)

Putting on the whole armour of God is putting on Christ. God put us in Christ; He put us in the armour.

12The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

13Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

14But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. (Romans 13:12-14)

Jesus loved us so much. He knows that to be found in Him, that is where the protection, the inheritance is.

As I am writing these notes, and thinking on the fact that we are one in Christ, I recalled the prayer that Jesus prayed:-

21that they all may be one, as Thou Father [art] in me, and I in Thee; that they also in us may be one, that the world may believe that Thou didst send me.

22`And I, the glory that thou hast given to me, have given to them, that they may be one as we are one;

23I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be perfected into one, and that the world may know that Thou didst send me, and didst love them as Thou didst love me.

24`Father, those whom Thou hast given to me, I will that where I am they also may be with me, that they may behold my glory that Thou didst give to me, because Thou didst love me before the foundation of the world. (John 17:21-24 Young's translation)

When we are one in Christ, the world would know? How would the world know, being blinded spiritually? It must be something that they can see...

When you have Jesus, you have everything.

God has one answer to all our needs and problems. And that is to show us more of His Son.

See Jesus.

When your life is dry, He is the living water.

To be cont'd...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Songs in my heart

I just got back from church and it was wonderful... sigh. I so love going to my church. :) It's where the living waters are, it is the rest and the refreshing.

Like to share with you some lyrics from some songs I heard today.


1. Oh, I Want to Know You More

The words and lyrics of this song are from Steve Fry. It really spoke to me today. I felt like I have left my first love because I have been satisfied with the level of our relationship. I did not hunger and bother to push the boundaries and explore what is the width, the depth, the height, the length of His love for me. I was in my comfort zone, and spiritually, I was stagnated.

But it is the hunger, the yearning for more of Him because until I am with Him in heaven, within my soul, I cannot be satisfied, till my soul is one with Him even as my spirit is.

Just the time I think I'm at peace with the world that's mine
I feel at ease, I feel at home, and I know I'm not alone
Then in my rest, there comes a test, that shakes me 'til again I know
That what I had is not enough, and again I've got to grow

Lord, I want to know You more
Deep within my heart I want to know You
Oh, I want to know You
And I would give my final breath
To know You in your death and resurrection
Lord, I want to know You more
Lord, I want to know You more

2. You are so faithful

This tender song by Greg Gulley and Lenny LeBlanc reminds me, that in spite of all, in spite, especially of me, that my Lord, my bridegroom, my husband, my lover is still faithful. Even at times when I am faithless, He still is faithful.

It is demonstrated at the cross, when we spat at Him and denied Him, He still chose the cross and died for us. In this is love, not that we love Him but that He loved us. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. Great is thy faithfulness, O Lord.

Like the sun that rises every day,
You are so faithful, Lord You are faithful.
Like the rain that You send,
And every breath that I breathe,
You are so faithful, Lord.

Like the rose that comes alive every spring,
You are so faithful, Lord You are faithful.
Like the life that You give,
To every beat of my heart,
You are so faithful, Lord.

I see the cross and the price You had to pay,
I see the blood that washed my sins away.

And in the midst of a storm,
Through the winds and the waves,
You’ll still be faithful, You’ll still be faithful,
When the stars refuse to shine and time is no more,
You’ll still be faithful, You’ll still be faithful, Lord.

3. By Heart
This upbeat song is sung by Point of Grace. Everytime I hear it, it puts a smile on my face because it makes Jesus so personal, so close to me. So MINE. :) I've just included the chorus here, because it says everything.

Your name is on my lips
Your love I can't resist
Got to be with You wherever You are
I want You memorised
So when I close my eyes
All I have to do
Is keep loving You
By heart

I think Jesus is thrilled when we are the ones who initiate that love contact with Him. When we come to Him and be the one who say first, "I love You." When we just whisper in love, His name, "Jesus, Jesus." And say, "Your love I can't resist." "I want You memorised Lord." I think it brings a smile to Him when we say love words like this, lovingly, as to a lover, 'cos that's who He is!

Time after time

It's a late morning and I've overslept. I really dislike doing that. I feel like I robbed myself of time.


On Tuesday, I had a packed afternoon schedule and I simply could not take public transport. All in all, I had two taxi trips plus a lift from a friend. But it already amounted to $30 for transport.

As I was calculating the time to take from one place to the other, I realised that it's not so much the comfort, but the fare that I was paying is actually the cost of time.

It made me realised that, hey, time is not cheap. But I'm allowing time to pass me by. Some people are always in a rush rush rush and they're so busy and stressed out all the time... So there is the other extreme. But I want to be at rest and wise with my time. Time is there for us to use, not for it to use us and tell us what to do.

There's a verse I don't quite understand yet. It says God will help us redeem the time because the days are evil.

What's redeeming the time?The interpretation I heard is that with the Lord, time can be 'lengthened'; what may take others hours, with the Lord's insights, may take minutes to solve.

I used draw up timetables and schedules and have grand plans on what I was going to accomplished.

But it is not so much time management. I used to think it was self-management. But on my own willpower (which is not much), I can't do much. Management of 'self' is not by self but by the Lord. We have died to self. It is no longer I who live, but Christ in me.

Practically though? How does that work?

When one's awareness is just so alive to Abba? It's casting all worries on Him (and not sneaking in and taking it back!)... Sometimes I remind myself that self-control is a fruit of the spirit. It does not come instaneously but through the watering of the word, under the nurturing of the son. And just by beholding, we are transformed from glory to glory.

Yes, we are in a maggi mee generation where we want to see results now, and fast! Yes! Faith is now! But with patience we inherit the promise.

And isn't love patient and kind and longsuffering?

That we might be of good cheer even when we go through trials and tribulations because He has overcomed. But faith is pressing in, pressing in, and letting the shalom peace of God guard our hearts, even as we wait.

And because the Lord is good and we have been satisfied with His goodness, we learn how to enjoy the process. Because perseverence produces character, produces hope. And hope does not disappoint because the love of God is poured out in our hearts by the holy spirit who is given to us. (Romans 5:1-5)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Assorted thoughts - Privacy, Health and Energy

In the bible, Paul calls the church, 'Brethren'

For anonymity's sake, I have decided not to name any one on this blog. I may refer to my Christian friends as 'brother' or 'sister'. When I am refering to my blood-related brother or sister, I will use italics.

I was reading through my blogs, and they're pretty long... yeeks. For easier reading, beloved reader, (and for my own easy reference), I've decided to break it up into topics.


I told one of my sisters I was blogging and she said she would not consider it because she was a private person.

That got me thinking, 'cos I'm quite a private person too. Want to share but don't want to share too much. I 'think', but sometimes, I think too much ;P

Anyhow, I guess you will see little about my life except where it pertains to a topic that we're discussing.

Sometimes, the character and personality of a person is seen from his thoughts rather than what happens to him. In my line of work, it is not so much what is said, but how it is said (tone), how it is received (body language). I recall vaguely some studies on communication that only about 7% is verbal and 55% is body language.


Yesterday, I heard a Jerry Savelle sermon. And something He said reminded me of my approach to health.

Remember, two days ago, I was quite sick and trying to confess health, partaking the holy communion. I realised I was pursuing health.

Matthew 6:33 says Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

I realised I was pursuing health - something from God. Pastor Prince and Joshua once mentioned that it seems that we need faith for so many things, health, prosperity, a new job, a salary raise, more clients etc.. For those fervent for the Lord, distraction from the Word is not so much distraction because of TV, work.. it's pursuing the different 'things' of God. But one thing is needful, seek first His righteousness.

And who is His righteousness? Jesus Christ.

Pursuing God, pursuing Christ. I was pursuing health not pursuing God. But when I know that I know that I have the Lord, I'll have health.


I've just made a belated observation.

I've turned pensive... yucks! Like I'm middle-aged. :D (BTW, middle-aged should be about 60 years young..) I've become mellow.. argh.

I remember when I used to 'bounce' into work, just a few months ago. No! This cannot be. I just feel that this is still going to be a great year!

You know how, at the beginning of the year, everything is so fresh, so new, so exciting? And then, you look back in June, and wonder, where have all the time gone? What have I done? Oh no, is this going to be like last year? Is life passing me by?

It's so important to guard your heart. With the things you do, see, hear, read. Yet, it must be conscious and unconscious at the same time. I may be conscious of the information I am exposed to but it is tiring to constantly self-monitor. Am I doing things right? Have I done my quiet time? Maybe things aren't going too well because I am not 'in the flow'?

There have been seasons where I am just so absorbed in Him, that everything unconsciously fall into place. Where doing little things at work becomes a joy; and the consciousness that, hey, this is really Your ministry and I am Your partner working with You.

And then, there are times I question why, knowing all of this, I am still not experiencing it?

Lord, I feel like deep within me, I want perfection, precision. And if I can't have it, I rather not try at all, and let it fall into pieces; rather than try and realise I can't do it. Or even a secret fear, that if I try, You may not come through. Then rather than having my illusions shattered, I remain in my comfort zone, and if things don't go my way, it is because it's my choice.

But really, it's my fear. Fear can be a subtle thing. Fear of failure. It can paralyse me.

But God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.

And I can dare. DARE to try, dare to fail, dare to love, dare to be vulnerable.

Sometimes, it's easier said. It's easier to know it in the mind, but it has yet to drop into the heart.

Perhaps, as much as I want to be so absorbed in You, as much as I know not to be distracted by what I see and hear, the distraction comes through what I feel, think and believe.

But Lord, help me return to my first love again. Romance me again. And let not this feeling be only in church Lord, or in scattered moments of the day but in every moment - that eternity in a second.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Of medicine and the holy communion

It's Tues morning already!

Well, I have been battling the flu, dry cough and an erratic headache for the past 7 days. Been taking the holy communion sporadically but confessing that "By His stripes I am healed" and praying in tongues, but nothing's happening.

I was shocked. He is the Lord that healeth me. And health is an inheritance, so why was healing not manifested? Nothing wrong on His side, nothing wrong on my side, so why? Why???

You know, you can demand answers from Abba and feel quite sheepish afterwards.

He did tell me around the 3rd or 4th day to go see a doctor. I don't like to see doctors but I did self-medicate with some 'left-over' medicine from my brother, thinking it would be a sufficient compromise.

It did not work.

So finally, I saw the doctor yesterday, late afternoon. He prescribed antibiotics. I haven't taken antibiotics since I was secondary school 'cos I've read an article. Sometimes, a little knowledge can be a bad thing. Anyway, the article said that if a course of antibiotics did not eradicate all the germs, whatever that is left would be the more resiliant ones, leading to a stronger strain of germs the next time over. So I concluded that antibiotics fostered a stronger strain the next time, each time it is taken.

I'm glad the doc took time to explain that this happened if it were 'en masse' That is, if patients who were prescribed did not follow instructions and complete the course. They may seem well but carrying a stronger strain of germs which would in turn affect others. It made sense to me. It didn't mean that just because I was not taking antibiotics that I would not be affected by others.

Dr Cheong also reassured me that docs don't just prescribe antibiotics indiscrimately. Usually, only when the flu had lasted more than 3 days. About the time Abba told me to see a doctor.

I was quite upset last night and asked Abba Why He didn't just healed me? Surely, if You loved me, You wouldn't want to see me suffer right?

Well, I don't quite know what is the answer yet but I think I may get part of it.

In my line of work, (I'm a financial advisor BTW), I often have a dilemma when it comes to Christians and critical illness coverage. I believe that God heals, so why get CI coverage? But even amongst Christians "according to your faith, be it unto you." Also whatsoever you ask in His name, the Father will give. So, how to reconcile?

After you've done all to stand.

But God heals through doctors as well. God is no respector of persons. I noticed that the way He heals is different. Miraculous healings seemed more evident in 3rd world countries where villages are far from the nearest hospital. Perhaps it's because, we, with our medical facilities subconsciously rely more on them than on the Lord.

Praise the Lord! I thank God that I am in a church that establishes me in His love for me. I do not judge God's Word by anyone else's or my own's experience. His Word is true. His Word stands eternally.

One thing that stood out for me in all this mess, was that Abba did not leave me to suffer alone. In fact, He told me to see the doctor. It was I who stubbornly refused.

Well, if I had to go through this 'sick' experience (I'm very seldom this unwell, am a very healthy lady), there must be something that I can learn from all of this.

What I see, that seems real was the fact that I continued to be unwell despite 'doing' the things and knowing that healing only comes through the cross. What I know is that Abba did tell me to see a doctor. So healing by the cross vs healing by the doctor? Or healed through the cross by the doctor?

The medical profession cannot be discounted because God uses them as well. I've repented (meta-noia: change of mind). Although I used to say, yes, yes, God isn't against doctors, in my heart of hearts, I thought, "But I have the Lord, why do I need the doctor for?"

Through this experience, it has also reconciled within me, this dilemma I have between Christianity and insurance.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

First time blogging!

Wow. This is a first. I'm blogging!

I must admit that I haven't been keeping up with the times.. when I was last into technology and all, the world was using DOS! So yes, it has been SOME time.

Well, I figured it's time to jump out of the well, go get an MP3 player (instead of my old trusty CD player) and part of my rehab into present day society is blogging!

It's strange 'cos I find the idea of sharing my ideas with the whole world a little daunting. It's going to be a diary of a dialogue of my thoughts and ideas. I save the really personal, private, innermost recesses of my being for my love. Really, I feel that some stuff are just too intimate and precious to share.

Who exactly am I???

As I am typing this, I'm wondering whether there is a category called "profile" We'll see...

I'm 26 years young - and not in search for myself :D Nowadays, it seems 'in vogue' to search and 'find' oneself, like being misplaced. Oh dear, I shouldn't be amused. Ahh... but I am, and I don't think I going to make any apologies for it. I think it boils down to a lack of identity and personal fulfilment and satisfaction. But I think I shall make that a topic for another day.

You may be wondering "Who's Beloved?" Well, His! With a capital H! "Abba, Father!" That's who. The One who whispers to my heart, "I love you", who embraces me when I am down, who gives me strength when I am weak, who shields me from stress, who provides for me, who surrounds me with His favour, who lifts me up when I am feeling blah, who calls me 'beautiful' 'irresistible' 'lovely' 'gentle' 'wise' and washes me with His Word.

The One who is faithful, even when I am faithless; who is patient even when I should know better than to miss it; who never leaves me nor forsakes me even when I left and denied and blasphemed against Him, He waited and waited for me to turn back to him, reaching out to embrace without even a word of reproach.

Truely, His mercies are new every morning. How wonderful His loving kindness! How awesome to be able to run to Him any time of the day and call Abba, love me! Abba, help me!

Oh Lord, You always distract me :) But I just love to think on You. You bring a smile to my face! How I love thee!

Yes, there is a purpose to this post. :) I'll try to make each post topical rather than a daily report of my activities.

There are 2 topics for today! They are ta-da!

1. Health insurance
2. Perfect Will of God

Okay, both are unrelated... I think. I appreciate you, my beloved audience, reading this. May as well make it an opportunity to learn.


Quite excited today! Aviva has launched a wonderful health plan. I'm sure you've heard about the reforms to Medishield...

BTW, all this takes place in Singapore. And this is not meant to be advice. If you want advice, give me your contact details, and we'll talk. But 'work' is very much a part of my life so...

Health care costs and medical inflation are a concern. There is no point you being covered by life insurance if you can't claim for it. 30 major/critical illness are covered under life insurance. But note it must be major and critical. For example, although major cancers are covered, it does not follow that one can automatically claim for cancer. Cancer is usually identified in 4 stages and claimable only in the 3rd and 4th stage. So although specialist consultation sought, surgery may be done to remove the semi-maglignant tumour, medical costs are not claimable.

So there is a need for hospitalisation and surgery, how? It's prudent financial planning that you be covered under health insurance.

In the past, one can choose between Medishield and other private medical other plans approved under CPF (this excludes others outside CPF). Not Medishield forms the basic tier and CPF-approved plans enhances it.

What got me so excited was that our product specialist team did a comparison and this financial plan is just unbelievably attractive compared to it's competitors. Aviva is really aggressive in going out to get the market share and they can afford to because they are the 5th largest insurance company in the world and I believe, that's why they have the clout to back up such a plan.

For one thing they have a "as charged" feature so it addresses medical inflation. At this type of price... This is so exclusive, the other competing plans do not have this feature. Also, the claimable amounts are so much higher and the items they cover are much more as well.

Well, I'm going to change mine, my family, my extended family and all my clients to this plan.

Prudent financial management is not looking at oneself only. What about your loved ones? Your parents? As time passes, it's just prudent to transfer the risk to a company at a small cost rather than taking a chance. Where health is concerned, it is not a matter to be taken lightly.

I hope this helps you.

Now, moving on to a MORE exciting topic!


Romans 12:1-2
Acts 7:57-8:3
Acts 9:1-18
1 Tim 1:12-13
Acts 13:1-5,14
Acts 17:1-2
Acts 18:1-17

I come from New Creation Church (NCC) located at The Rock, Suntec. What a cool address! Sometimes, when people ask me where I'm going, I tell them I'm going to 'get high' at The Rock! Let us not get drunk with wine, but drunk in the holy spirit! haha

Anyhow, it's awesome! I love going to church! I always go to church hungry, hungry, hungry for His Word and ohhh.. what a banquet we have there! Going to church is never a drudge but a JOY! It's partaking the bread of life and living waters!

Okay, where did I veer off from?

Last Sunday, we had Rev. Col Stringer from Australia come preach to us on the perfect will of God.

It answered some questions at the back of my mind. "As Christ is, so are we in this world."

This service answered some, not all questions. I'm still studying...

When Jesus walked on earth, many times, the pharisees and the mob stirred up by Satan, tried to lay hands on him but "he passed among them". He said that He chose to lay down His life.

So if Jesus so loved His people, why were the apostles stoned, persecuted, etc and He not protect? How does this gel with "As Christ IS, so ARE we..?"

If we are called to do God's work, there will be the grace and the anointing to do it.

But even Paul did not have it altogether. He was still human. His spirit was born-again but his mind had to be renewed, not conforming to the world. Paul was a pharisee or pharisees, yet he was called to be an apostle to the gentiles. During that time, the Jews called the gentiles dogs. Yes, harsh but true. Jesus said "It is not good to give the children's bread to the puppies" and the woman said, "yes, but even the dogs eat the crumbs off the floor"

So even though Paul was called to be apostle to the gentiles, for 5 years, he preached in the synagoues and he was persecuted and God was silent.

It is so important to discern the Word correctly. I realise now that the book of Acts record the facts, what was said, what was done, what happened. It does not mean that God sanctioned every single act that an apostle did, especially when it went contrary to what He said.

Does it mean that perils would come being out of God's will and that being in God's perfect will means everything will be smooth sailing?

No, and I'll explain why I think so tomorrow... this post is much much longer than anticipated. I didn't know I 'talked' so much... :)