Wow. This is a first. I'm blogging!
I must admit that I haven't been keeping up with the times.. when I was last into technology and all, the world was using DOS! So yes, it has been SOME time.
Well, I figured it's time to jump out of the well, go get an MP3 player (instead of my old trusty CD player) and part of my rehab into present day society is blogging!
It's strange 'cos I find the idea of sharing my ideas with the whole world a little daunting. It's going to be a diary of a dialogue of my thoughts and ideas. I save the really personal, private, innermost recesses of my being for my love. Really, I feel that some stuff are just too intimate and precious to share.
Who exactly am I???
As I am typing this, I'm wondering whether there is a category called "profile" We'll see...
I'm 26 years young - and not in search for myself :D Nowadays, it seems 'in vogue' to search and 'find' oneself, like being misplaced. Oh dear, I shouldn't be amused. Ahh... but I am, and I don't think I going to make any apologies for it. I think it boils down to a lack of identity and personal fulfilment and satisfaction. But I think I shall make that a topic for another day.
You may be wondering "Who's Beloved?" Well, His! With a capital H! "Abba, Father!" That's who. The One who whispers to my heart, "I love you", who embraces me when I am down, who gives me strength when I am weak, who shields me from stress, who provides for me, who surrounds me with His favour, who lifts me up when I am feeling blah, who calls me 'beautiful' 'irresistible' 'lovely' 'gentle' 'wise' and washes me with His Word.
The One who is faithful, even when I am faithless; who is patient even when I should know better than to miss it; who never leaves me nor forsakes me even when I left and denied and blasphemed against Him, He waited and waited for me to turn back to him, reaching out to embrace without even a word of reproach.
Truely, His mercies are new every morning. How wonderful His loving kindness! How awesome to be able to run to Him any time of the day and call Abba, love me! Abba, help me!
Oh Lord, You always distract me :) But I just love to think on You. You bring a smile to my face! How I love thee!
Yes, there is a purpose to this post. :) I'll try to make each post topical rather than a daily report of my activities.
There are 2 topics for today! They are ta-da!
1. Health insurance
2. Perfect Will of God
Okay, both are unrelated... I think. I appreciate you, my beloved audience, reading this. May as well make it an opportunity to learn.
Quite excited today! Aviva has launched a wonderful health plan. I'm sure you've heard about the reforms to Medishield...
BTW, all this takes place in Singapore. And this is not meant to be advice. If you want advice, give me your contact details, and we'll talk. But 'work' is very much a part of my life so...
Health care costs and medical inflation are a concern. There is no point you being covered by life insurance if you can't claim for it. 30 major/critical illness are covered under life insurance. But note it must be major and critical. For example, although major cancers are covered, it does not follow that one can automatically claim for cancer. Cancer is usually identified in 4 stages and claimable only in the 3rd and 4th stage. So although specialist consultation sought, surgery may be done to remove the semi-maglignant tumour, medical costs are not claimable.
So there is a need for hospitalisation and surgery, how? It's prudent financial planning that you be covered under health insurance.
In the past, one can choose between Medishield and other private medical other plans approved under CPF (this excludes others outside CPF). Not Medishield forms the basic tier and CPF-approved plans enhances it.
What got me so excited was that our product specialist team did a comparison and this financial plan is just unbelievably attractive compared to it's competitors. Aviva is really aggressive in going out to get the market share and they can afford to because they are the 5th largest insurance company in the world and I believe, that's why they have the clout to back up such a plan.
For one thing they have a "as charged" feature so it addresses medical inflation. At this type of price... This is so exclusive, the other competing plans do not have this feature. Also, the claimable amounts are so much higher and the items they cover are much more as well.
Well, I'm going to change mine, my family, my extended family and all my clients to this plan.
Prudent financial management is not looking at oneself only. What about your loved ones? Your parents? As time passes, it's just prudent to transfer the risk to a company at a small cost rather than taking a chance. Where health is concerned, it is not a matter to be taken lightly.
I hope this helps you.
Now, moving on to a MORE exciting topic!
Romans 12:1-2
Acts 7:57-8:3
Acts 9:1-18
1 Tim 1:12-13
Acts 13:1-5,14
Acts 17:1-2
Acts 18:1-17
I come from New Creation Church (NCC) located at The Rock, Suntec. What a cool address! Sometimes, when people ask me where I'm going, I tell them I'm going to 'get high' at The Rock! Let us not get drunk with wine, but drunk in the holy spirit! haha
Anyhow, it's awesome! I love going to church! I always go to church hungry, hungry, hungry for His Word and ohhh.. what a banquet we have there! Going to church is never a drudge but a JOY! It's partaking the bread of life and living waters!
Okay, where did I veer off from?
Last Sunday, we had Rev. Col Stringer from Australia come preach to us on the perfect will of God.
It answered some questions at the back of my mind. "As Christ is, so are we in this world."
This service answered some, not all questions. I'm still studying...
When Jesus walked on earth, many times, the pharisees and the mob stirred up by Satan, tried to lay hands on him but "he passed among them". He said that He chose to lay down His life.
So if Jesus so loved His people, why were the apostles stoned, persecuted, etc and He not protect? How does this gel with "As Christ IS, so ARE we..?"
If we are called to do God's work, there will be the grace and the anointing to do it.
But even Paul did not have it altogether. He was still human. His spirit was born-again but his mind had to be renewed, not conforming to the world. Paul was a pharisee or pharisees, yet he was called to be an apostle to the gentiles. During that time, the Jews called the gentiles dogs. Yes, harsh but true. Jesus said "It is not good to give the children's bread to the puppies" and the woman said, "yes, but even the dogs eat the crumbs off the floor"
So even though Paul was called to be apostle to the gentiles, for 5 years, he preached in the synagoues and he was persecuted and God was silent.
It is so important to discern the Word correctly. I realise now that the book of Acts record the facts, what was said, what was done, what happened. It does not mean that God sanctioned every single act that an apostle did, especially when it went contrary to what He said.
Does it mean that perils would come being out of God's will and that being in God's perfect will means everything will be smooth sailing?
No, and I'll explain why I think so tomorrow... this post is much much longer than anticipated. I didn't know I 'talked' so much... :)
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