It's Tues morning already!
Well, I have been battling the flu, dry cough and an erratic headache for the past 7 days. Been taking the holy communion sporadically but confessing that "By His stripes I am healed" and praying in tongues, but nothing's happening.
I was shocked. He is the Lord that healeth me. And health is an inheritance, so why was healing not manifested? Nothing wrong on His side, nothing wrong on my side, so why? Why???
You know, you can demand answers from Abba and feel quite sheepish afterwards.
He did tell me around the 3rd or 4th day to go see a doctor. I don't like to see doctors but I did self-medicate with some 'left-over' medicine from my brother, thinking it would be a sufficient compromise.
It did not work.
So finally, I saw the doctor yesterday, late afternoon. He prescribed antibiotics. I haven't taken antibiotics since I was secondary school 'cos I've read an article. Sometimes, a little knowledge can be a bad thing. Anyway, the article said that if a course of antibiotics did not eradicate all the germs, whatever that is left would be the more resiliant ones, leading to a stronger strain of germs the next time over. So I concluded that antibiotics fostered a stronger strain the next time, each time it is taken.
I'm glad the doc took time to explain that this happened if it were 'en masse' That is, if patients who were prescribed did not follow instructions and complete the course. They may seem well but carrying a stronger strain of germs which would in turn affect others. It made sense to me. It didn't mean that just because I was not taking antibiotics that I would not be affected by others.
Dr Cheong also reassured me that docs don't just prescribe antibiotics indiscrimately. Usually, only when the flu had lasted more than 3 days. About the time Abba told me to see a doctor.
I was quite upset last night and asked Abba Why He didn't just healed me? Surely, if You loved me, You wouldn't want to see me suffer right?
Well, I don't quite know what is the answer yet but I think I may get part of it.
In my line of work, (I'm a financial advisor BTW), I often have a dilemma when it comes to Christians and critical illness coverage. I believe that God heals, so why get CI coverage? But even amongst Christians "according to your faith, be it unto you." Also whatsoever you ask in His name, the Father will give. So, how to reconcile?
After you've done all to stand.
But God heals through doctors as well. God is no respector of persons. I noticed that the way He heals is different. Miraculous healings seemed more evident in 3rd world countries where villages are far from the nearest hospital. Perhaps it's because, we, with our medical facilities subconsciously rely more on them than on the Lord.
Praise the Lord! I thank God that I am in a church that establishes me in His love for me. I do not judge God's Word by anyone else's or my own's experience. His Word is true. His Word stands eternally.
One thing that stood out for me in all this mess, was that Abba did not leave me to suffer alone. In fact, He told me to see the doctor. It was I who stubbornly refused.
Well, if I had to go through this 'sick' experience (I'm very seldom this unwell, am a very healthy lady), there must be something that I can learn from all of this.
What I see, that seems real was the fact that I continued to be unwell despite 'doing' the things and knowing that healing only comes through the cross. What I know is that Abba did tell me to see a doctor. So healing by the cross vs healing by the doctor? Or healed through the cross by the doctor?
The medical profession cannot be discounted because God uses them as well. I've repented (meta-noia: change of mind). Although I used to say, yes, yes, God isn't against doctors, in my heart of hearts, I thought, "But I have the Lord, why do I need the doctor for?"
Through this experience, it has also reconciled within me, this dilemma I have between Christianity and insurance.
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