What is being mediocre?
It is being satisfied with what you have. Does that mean that being contented is being mediocre?
I think contentment is that shalom peace - His peace that guards our heart.
But pressing into God, knowing Him; pressing in until we get to enjoy the inheritance He has qualified us for. That hunger for all the blessings of God. Not for ourselves - that does not satisfy, but asking God to open the windows of heaven and pour out such blessings on us so that we can in turn be a blessing.
To be empowered by Almighty God to give.
It's frustrating when we feel compassion and we have to calculate to see how much we can give. That isn't God's best for us.
Yet, there is nothing we can do to get His blessings. There is a natural paradox. It is man's desire to work to get the blessings of God - but only grace can usher in super-abundant blessings. That goes against our natural instinct. But the fact is, we don't have to work because we have been qualified by His blood.
It is a choice for us to allow God to bless us. That seems like a strange thing to say because who wouldn't want God's blessings? But we can't work for the blessings - we can't work for something that we're qualified to have. Just as a son can't doing anything to get his inheritance - it is His birthright.
It is not about great talents or works but great rest. Resting in Jesus' finished work.
For it is only through true rest can we work. I am not trying to sound 'zen' here. Our work can only be satisfying when we approach it from a place of rest - knowing that all is given. You see, we have to know. Not in our heads, but in our hearts. Then, we will be burning up not out. And as Christ is revealed to me more and more, I learn to rest in Him, more and more.
The blessings come as a consequence of our relationship with Him.
The hunger is to know Him. The focus is on the relationship. Like all relationships, it takes time and 'effort' to know a person.
So how do we cultivate a relationship with Him?
Talk to Him! Practice the consciousness of His presence. But most of all, to MEDITATE ON HIS LOVE for me. To know His love FOR me. I am filled with the fullness of God when I know that I know that I know He loves me.
And contentment does not mean being satisfied in the status quo. We should not ever be contented in our relationship with God. I am speaking in regards to degree.
Just as in an intimate marriage relationship with your man (or woman as it may be). What is the goal here? To know him, spirit, soul and body. And that is not enough, his thoughts, his desires, to please him, to give to him, to receive. The moment one party is satisfied, the relationship stagnates; we start to take the other for granted.
And why do we take the other granted? Because the 'goal' is defined wrongly. We think that that is all. Getting him, getting married is the final goal. No, knowing him, being one, is the ultimate goal. And therein lies the spark, the zing, the chemistry, that latent explosive, that simmering passion, that falling in love more and more because there is a mystery there, a glory there.
Some Christians think that getting saved from hell is all. Some think that getting all the blessings is the goal (nothing wrong with getting blessings) No, the ultimate goal, is knowing Jesus. Spirit, soul and body.
God used earthly relationships to teach us of our relationship with Him. Whenever a man made love to a woman, the bible describes it as "knew" (Genesis 4:1)(cf, sex when the phrase "lie with me" is used)
The goal is not knowing about Jesus. Jesus is our bridegroom. It is knowing Him, in the biblical sense. Husband and wife are one flesh. Jesus and I are one spirit. Daily, I renew my mind so that we will be one soul. That is the goal, to KNOW Him.
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