Tuesday, April 04, 2006

As time goes by

Recently celebrated a number of birthdays! :D And mine is coming up too so with it approaching, of course, there's a time of reflection.

There was a time when I was the youngest in any gathering. And when you're 18-21 years young, it's pretty common for people to remark how young you are!

Well, I'm going on 27 now. And I was talking with Cindy, you know, 27 is 3 years short of the big 3-0. But I don't feel like I'm 27, ought to get married, start a family and all. In fact, 27 seems like such an 'old' number for what I'm feeling.

And it struck me that birthdays track one's BIOLOGICAL age. Simply that, marking the passage of time. But one's ACTUAL age is how one really feels inside.

Yet at the same time, my thought processes and values have changed since I was 22 years young. :) Indeed, looking back, I could see how naive, impressionable and somewhat childish I was. Isn't it great then to feel young and yet be wiser?

If anyone asks for my age, I feel obligated to state my biological age. But something inside me kinda of cringe 'cos I know it's a lie. I certainly don't feel that way although reason, circumstances and the world and 'reality' seem to pressure otherwise. Is it the shalom peace that is guarding my heart?

It's not like Alan Tam's forever 25 you know. I don't know whether he really believes it or he's in denial or vain or whatever. :D For myself, I don't think I feel this way... I just feel rather young - definitely younger than 27 years! :D

I feel young and carefree! Really! :D Inside, I'm still a frisky, cheeky but thank God! wiser, 22! :D

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