Sunday, November 13, 2005


Today: 12 Nov 2005, Oasis meeting

Topic: Finding a life partner

Hmm... a reminder

Nowadays, I feel that the messages confirm my 'life lessons'. I'm a little bemused. God usually teaches me something and then that particular lesson will be preached.

But I'm determined to chew on it - though it's tempting to say I know all this. Because it's really head knowledge I suppose. And the reason Abba is speaking to me through the Pastor Chin is that He wants me to know it in my heart.

I choose to believe that in EVERY sermon that I go to, because He loves me so much, He will always give Pastor a word for me, regardless of what is preached.

I took down notes (habit :)) But the two important things I took away from the meeting today was:-

1. Being the one for Him first

Last time I listened to this message by Pastor Prince, I was paying more attention to the qualities to look for in a life partner.

This time, I believe that He wants to set in me, to give me a picture of how He already sees me - His sakal and chayil woman

Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent (sakal) wife is from the LORD.(Prov 19:14)
sakal {saw-kal'} [07919]

to be prudent, be circumspect, wisely understand, prosper

to be prudent, be circumspect

to look at or upon, have insight

to give attention to, consider, ponder, be prudent

to have insight, have comprehension

insight, comprehension

to cause to consider, give insight, teach

to act circumspectly, act prudently, act wisely

to prosper, have success

to cause to prosper

An excellent (chayil) wife is the crown of her husband,
But she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. (Proverbs 12:4)

chayil {khah'-yil}

strength, might, efficiency, wealth, army

a) strength

b) ability, efficiency

c) wealth

d) force, army

2. Quoting what Pastor Chin said at the end of the meeting... "When your sight is on Jesus, you'll find love"

It's not about know more, studying more about Him then He will give you someone.

It's about an intimate relationship with Him alone.

Tonight, I went a concert. Enjoyed the Yellow River Extravaganza! by the Singapore Chinese Orchestral. For moi, I like to enjoy certain things alone but at the same time, it gets too quiet. Yet if one goes with friends, then one is not alone...

So tonight, as I settled into my seat waiting for the music to start, I had mixed feelings. And I remembered, hey, call Jesus along. It'll be like a date!

It's practising the consciousness of His presence.

There were many thoughts running through my mind - too long to go into detail.

Was recalling what Pastor Chin shared about not being too 'idealistic', searching for the 'perfect' one. Personally, I'm not the kind who says my life partner must be this, must be that and all. At the end of the day, the only 2 things that's a must is the hesad love and faithfulness with money. But I also don't believe in giving people 'a chance' where there is no chemistry in the first place - so is that being too 'idealistic'?

Anyway, I don't think Pastor meant what I thought. One thing stuck to me though - what Pastor Prince shared, never settle.

So at that point of time in the hall, and I was so enjoying the music - I just felt so comfortable and satisfied and suddenly so aware and clear that He is indeed my all. And suddenly, feeling that looking for a life partner is such a non-issue, like it was so strange to even consider the issue 'cos do I need that someone since He is already my all in all?

I guess this moment was an example of "when your sight is on Jesus" :D When the prospect of having a boyfriend or life partner seem like such a unnecessary messy hassle! haha.. Had such moments before.. they come and go. They go 'cos we are earthern vessels, and sometimes we go back to the flesh and our worries and insecurities. But at other times, when I'm just rejoicing in His love, these "things of the world, grow stranger dim, in the light of His glory and grace."


cybeRanger said...

Thank Abba for this wonderful post. :)

Curious Servant said...

Very nice post.

If I could lend a little advice for those who have gotten this partner...

Keep your relationship with your spouse foremost. It is the most important thing you can teach your children.

If you want their happiness then you will teach them through your example the importance of a helpmate.

It should also be noted that Adam was lonely and God did not answer that desire for some time. Instead God gave Adam work to do. how long did it take for Adam to name all those animals? And when he was done, the lonliness was still there.

And God finally answered that desire of the first man's heart.

How much Adam must have loved that woman!

Flex J! said...

Just bloghopping! Surely an insightful post you've got here....


Beloved Princess said...

Hi Nik :) Yes, I'm from NCC :D Glad you enjoyed my blog.