Sunday, July 09, 2006


I'll sing to You Lord
A hymn of love
for Your faithfulness to me

Hmm.. during worship today, I'm reminded it's not my faithfulness. It's His faithfulness.

But another thought occurred.

How awesome it is that Almighty God should choose to be faithful to me?

I mean, why should he bind Himself to me? He is able to do all things. He is powerful, awesome, almighty, holding the world in His hands. And who am I that He wants to be faithful?

Yes, I know the theological arguments behind it.

I was again reminded of a marriage covenant. Like the wife committing adultery and the husband remaining faithful and waiting for her to turn to him, wooing her back with love. In such a case, there would be grounds for divorce. But no, he chooses to wait. To remain faithful. Because of love.

But look at his wife! The harlot. Is there anything lovely about her?

It just baffles me how God sees us. How He sees me. Yet by practising the truth of redemption, the sanctification by the blood of the lamb and the imputation of righteousness; by His revealing daily, the righteousness I have through the cross, I begin to see myself through the eyes of my Beloved.

And then - confidence, security, beauty and wisdom comes, knowing my true worth in Him. Seeing myself through the eyes of His love.

Faithfulness. It's not about me. It's about Him. His faithfulness to me in my life's journey. How awesome that He chooses to bind Himself to me!

Great is thy faithfulness!
Great is thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed, thy hand hath provided
Great is thy faithfulness
Lord unto me!

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