Monday, July 10, 2006

Jailhouse rock

Stand up everybody! Elvis is IN the building!

hahaha... what a rockingly cute finale to the end of service yesterday! It's the 50s, the girls and the boys in their colourful clothes. It's the moves, it's the groove, it's the hairgel and the sideburns... it's the music of Elvis baby!

Lyrics 'copped' from Sean's aka uncle muthu's 24 hr prata place.

So heeeere's Jail Got Rocked

Warden threw Paul n Silas down to Jail,
The prison all around em thought their plans've failed
Started sumthin when the bos began to sing
Shook the earth alot n let the jailbirds spring!

In the Stocks!
Everybody was shocked!
evry door in the cells was unlocked,
when the macedonian Jail got rocked!

Silas started praisin n it cracked some stone,
little did they know it was a sign that was to come
a rumblin noise hit the boys and smashed the chains
broke the richter scale it was a powerful thing!

In the Stocks!
Everybody was shocked!
evry door in the cells was unlocked,
when the macedonian Jail got rocked!

From the Throne of Heaven came a rumbling
Tore right through the jail rather effortlessly
they should've used a seismograph but honestly
they wanted to but it was 51 AD

In the Stocks!
Everybody was shocked!
evry door in the cells was unlocked,
when the macedonian Jail got rocked!

* Cue guitar solo and lots of shaking and twisting

The macedonian prison in the time of Rome
was more like california by the time it was done
the warder said "hey buddy whould ya please explain,
can you tell me what to do so i'll get saved??"

Let's Talk!
Everybody was shocked!
evry door in the cells was unlocked,
when the macedonian Jail got rocked!

"If you just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
Warden you can now repent and save your life
Would ya like forgiveness?" and he said "Yes yes!
You gotta stick around i'm gonna get my kids!"

Let's Talk!
Everybody was shocked!
evry door in the cells was unlocked,
when the macedonian Jail got rocked!

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