Thursday, March 23, 2006


Have you ever wondered how in the past, someone can be a painter, writer, scientist, musician, politician, philosopher,playwright etc etc and still be a someone and not one(s)?

I mean, the capacity of the human brain. Why, in the past, Mr Jack was a Jack of all trades, Master of all.

Why don't we have such people now? With our compulsory education, modern technology and gadgetry, higher standard of living...

The answer? DISTRACTION.

Yes. We have been numbed with routine, that sense of wonder we had as children, extinguished by playstations, drowned by television - our concentration wasted staring at the computer (perhaps even now as I'm typing!), even as our thumbs do a silly little dance sending sms-es over the phone.. I mean, what are we doing?

You know what, I have a DESIRE to be a renaissance lady.

Yes, a lady of letters, of beauty and refinement, of charity, of wit, of fashion - to write plays and political essays, read history and law, go on mission trips, soak in the wonders of nature, a photographer, a writer, a pastor, a healer, an evangelist - a daughter, awife, a mother of 8, play classical piano, play jazz, listen to the SSO, the SCO... I'm getting ahead of myself.

But I wonder, what would life be like, if I devoted it to (on top of having babes, being a babe and mother - 'cos family is of course, the 2nd top priority aside from God), a life of learning.

Yes, learning. Of what? Just everything. EVERYTHING my brain can hold.

Abba, what if you would give me a ferocious appetite for learning and knowledge - and along with it wisdom for application. Above all, Lord, use this knowledge to let me be Your women. Not just sprouting out information or participating in debates Lord, but also to ENJOY it and APPRECIATE it for its own sake.

See how I am capitalising it Lord? It's a reminder to Me.

Baby steps? what say you Abba? Do away with the telly first? Revive my library membership at the law library? Set up a system in learning classical chinese?

Lord, center my heart on You. Keep me focused. Life is too precious to waste on moments of frivolity. Yes, I know, neither should it be too serious. Lord, give me a godly sense of humour - man, what kind of request is that? hahahaha.. I shouldn't be asking You that! You! of all people! :D I know You can be corny. Sometimes I can't take You. Mushiness too! Brrr.. but deliciously nice! ;)

Okay, just let me enjoy Abba! Remind me to enjoy!

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