Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fake it till you make it

I realised for the past few months, I having being 'faking' it enough. I know lots of stuff in my head, feel it even in my heart but haven't been "working out my salvation". Yup, not imitating enough, not 'faking' it enough but being self-conscious.

Browsing old stuff in my computer and came across this article. It's not written by me but this guy called Pete. Reading through, it was a timely reminder! Enjoy!

So here is my solution: I will fake it, till I make it. I will pretend to be what I ought it be. I'll use my child-like faith, and imagine myself to be as my example Jesus. I'll play that I'm as He is. Devoted to the Father. Full of the Spirit. Full of compassion and love. Bold in asking. Expectant in receiving. Joyfull in life, and live with great confidence. Master of all situations, overcoming all obstacles. Able for any task, and power for helping all who come to me. Some one has said; "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull". So this is my stand. And you know what? In this I'm closer to the truth of the freedom of the gospel of God. As Paul said; "be imitators of me, as I imitate Christ."

Is this folly? No, by faith. Calling forth those things which do not appear, as though they do. God is pleased. And Jesus is exalted. And the work that my Father has for me will be done. You see; "it's Christ in you, the hope of glory". And as I walkthe Holy Spirit will teach me and instruct me in the things I need to hear. And show me things I need to see. And give me wisdom and understanding of those things I need to know

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