Monday, June 27, 2005

Of handbags, men and Mr Not Right Now

Good morning! It's 10 am now and I was reading through Lifestyle. I came across two interesting articles.

1. Handbag carrying boyfriends

I'm surprised this is even an issue. :) It implies how society measures macho-ism. Personally, I think that it's sweet. It's way past beyond secure in one's uh, manhood I suppose. There's nothing wrong in carrying a girly pink flowery handbag... as long as your girlfriend is with you.

2. Waiting out for Mr Right

Clara Chow's articles are always a pleasure to read. They are down-to-earth and humourous and well-written.

Well, I partially agree. Blind dates don't work. And anyway, a solid foundation for any relationship is a good friendship. And never settle. It's not fair for him. It's not fair for you.

What I don't agree is... hmm.. the LIST. Yes. All women have a list. They want this and that and this and that. Then when they meet any men, out pops the mental checklist. It's tiring when you're 'interviewing' prospects each time.

Hey, men are human beings too, not simply potential mates. Since strangers are just people you haven't met yet, get to know the person, regardless of gender. And it's exciting to get to know a person. It's like peeling an onion. Okay, not the best analogy, but people are multi-faceted and it's interesting to peel off the layers. Generally, I think, guys are easier to read than girls (but maybe I'm wrong)

So hmm.. how about me? Does that mean I have no criteria and look for inner beauty only? Sigh.. I'm only human and I am a woman. Don't have a list. Just 2 must have requirements.

i. The hesad love of God.
ii. Financial maturity

The, criteria is purely optional and shall remain private. :) I just believe that He has given me the wisdom to discern and that His shalom peace will guard my heart and guide my choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup... i agree that mostly guys are easier to read than girls.. There is such a mystry in women that men will always find hard to fathom.. hahaha i think its because adam was asleep when God created Eve.. hahaa