Sunday, September 25, 2005

Makan time!

Makan time!

O food, glorious food!

I'm referring both to the spiritual and physical. :D

Yesterday, Oasis ministry - wow, excellent! It's not the kind of prosperity message I expected.

And then the dinner later.. well with bro CW, you can be sure it'll be very cerebral! Praise Jesus! I'm so fascinated by the conversations.. definitely have a teaching anointing over him :) We looked at the Word, culturally, geographically and historically... Revelations come through the heart, but we get renewed in our mind as well.. and it's wonderful when someone comes along and fits the puzzle for you, the places and names and it makes sense and you go... " see" Excellent!

Then today, Pastor said something I didn't really see before.. anyway, let me 'assimilate' the revelation first. Feel sometimes like it's boiling soup, take time slowly to boil all the nutrients and goodies out...

Wow, fellowship over makan is ze best! Especially with fellow brethren who are as excited about the Word. Wow, so much life! And it's like the washing of the Word and building each other up. :D

Today, got to serve in nursery. And really felt the presence of God today. Such peace and confidence. Very shiok! Abba is good!

When I am dry
You fill my cup
You are my all in all...

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