Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Have you ever heard?....

There were once 3 elderly sisters, 96, 94 and 92 years respectively.

Well, one day the eldest sister was on her way to the bathroom to take a shower. As she stepped into the bathroom, she couldn't remember whether she was stepping in to take the shower or stepping out after the shower. So she called for her younger sister to help.

The 94 year old heard her calling and started up the stairs. Halfway on the landing, she couldn't remember whether she was going up or coming down. So she called for the youngest sister to help.

The 92 year old was in the living room and chuckled to herself. "Touch wood", knocking on the table, "I won't be like them when I'm their age." And replying to her sisters, she yelled, "I'm coming! As soon as I answer the door!" :D

Or have you ever heard?

There was this guy who went to Africa and fell asleep under the shade of a tree.

When he woke up, a pride of lions surrounded him. Terrified, he shut his eyes tightly and prayed to God, "Lord, make them lions Christians!"

When he opened his eyes, he saw that the lions had their heads bowed... They were saying grace.

The jokes didn't originate with me. I was listening to a message by Pastor Prince on the covenant meal.. and Pastor was really in a playful mood that day. It was a real joy listening to the message.

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