Friday, July 22, 2005

Fleeting thoughts

1. It's Him, not me

And Moses said to the children of Israel, "See, the LORD has called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship, to design artistic works, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting jewels for setting, in carving wood, and to work in all manner of artistic workmanship. (Exodus 35:30-33)

Believing that He has strategically placed me where I am, RIGHT NOW, and He has equipped me, filling me up with His spirit. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

2. What's the point of getting married?

My answer is determinate on 3 recent memories:

(i) One sister mentioned this. "I cannot imagine being with someone or doing something that separates me from Him."

Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. It is a scary thought that I may be so distracted that I leave HIM, forgetting about Him.. never, never.. But I have the assurance that it is He who guards my heart, and a restful confidence that He is more jealous of me, than I of Him!

(ii) One Pastor Christine Cane mentioned, "What's the point of getting married if it doesn't bring me closer to Jesus?"

If we're already in heaven, filled with joy, being His yakid, knowing intimately His love, being His bride, why should we settle for anything less?

(iii) One dear married sister related to me her experience.

We were talking about the song which goes, "Behold You have come, over the hills, upon the mountains... To me, You have run, my Beloved, You've captured my heart."

Upon reaching home after mid-week service and before bed, her hubby took the guitar and started trying out the chords for this song and before long both of them were in worship.

It's the little intimate incidents like that that touches me. How wonderful it is to be able to praise the Lord as a couple. :)

Which brings me to my next thought:-

3. Keeping my options open? I think not..

I was sharing with 2 sisters that I'll like my life partner to be from the church (NCC)

So I guess if someone outside the church is interested in me, I'll start dating AFTER he comes to church.. not gonna 'persuade' him to come.. not interested in someone who's not interested in knowing Jesus more intimately.

Well, I think I shall set this little 'rule' for myself. Hmm.. I think it's good to set such rules especially where relationships and emotions are concerned. Or else, in the midst of all those nice warm fuzzy feelings, one is not likely to think straight.

Sisters said to keep options open.. :D It's fine as long as in the same family.

No lah, logistically quite difficult, since majority of my time is spent in church - and that's the way I want it to be. Don't want to take time away and date outside. More convenient to date within.

And why not? I have abundant favour from on High. Praise God! Life is so enjoyable when His favour surrounds us as a shield. It's great to be liked! He was despised and put to shame so that we would be accepted in Him. And His wisdom and His peace indwells us, guiding us in the way we should go.

4. God and men

I used to feel quite sorry for the brothers.

We, daughters, are made to experience romance and love. Very much like a bride and Jesus, our Lover.

I can't imagine brothers feeling the same way, so how do they experience the love of Christ? (other than as the intimate Father?)

I didn't understand when Pastor said that being male is great - can be both bride and bridegroom. Still don't.

But Pastor made this other interesting observation.

He said that God made women for men to love. And hence, they would know how Christ loved the church.

That's an amazing statement!

It means that women are made to receive love and respond to love (just as the church.. we love because He first loved us) Pastor Mark made this lovely observation. When a man loves a woman, she just blossoms! And he should know, he's speaking from personal experience! Haha :D

But wow, men on the other hand, are made to love. They are in that position when they would know HOW MUCH Jesus loved us by loving their woman.

It's different perspectives. :)

5. Studying

I ought to be studying now.

6. All that jazz

Ooh.. I just love the sexy, relaxing, sound of jazz.. the swingin' beat of latin and the slow slide of country love ballades.

1 comment:

ShepherdKing said...

U will do well for your test babe! James 1:5