Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pipe Piper

Have you ever noticed musical proteges?

They look rather mild and quiet but once they get their hands on the piano and violin, whoosh, the music just explodes. Granted, there is virtuosity and expressiveness in the playing. But what astounds me, is the emotional intensity burning up from this little tyke.

Particularly, in 'classical' music ('classical' here refers to the genre as compared to pop; for musical purists, this word is a misnomer. Agreed. I am referring in particular to the romantic period of Western music)

One would think that the emotive quality of this type of music can only be gasped and played out by someone who has lived through life many experiences - grief, passion, joy, loss, hope.

I believe that is what the arts is. Expression.

Most people express their feelings physically. By the clothes they wear, with spoken words, with the activities they like. But there are some of us who have not learnt how to express our feelings outwardly. It may be due to character or environment - being forced to conform to certain expectations.

So when the latter category is faced with a denial of an outlet for expression, we turn to the arts. Music, dance and art.

When I see some of these proteges, I am taken aback. How they look don't correspond with how they sound. But that's a fallacy in assumption. You don't have to look hot to play passionate music. However, I believe that the extent of the disparity (huge disparity) in the differences between physical expression and the arts may suggest some sort of repressiveness. Someone uncomfortable in expressing who they are, what they are feeling.

How can I say that?

Because I was like that. :D

Let me bring a scenario to you.

Issue: Is clubbing okay or not?

Yes and no, depending on the type of person.

For me personally, it's no. Not because I don't enjoy music and dance, the problem is, I enjoy it too much. I'm susceptible to it. You know how people get drunk on alcohol and lose their inhibitions? I get drunk on music and dance and lose my inhibitions.

If this sounds weird to you, you're normal. :)

How do people dance? Normal people hear the beat, and they groove to the rhythm and just enjoy the music.

How do I dance?

Well, it starts the same. I hear the beat first. Then, I bring that beat from outside and I breathe the beat into me. Now, I 'hear' it, from the outside, and internalised it within my heart.

Music is no longer just sound, but feelings. And now, I have to express this feelings and line it up according to the lyrics and express it in bodily movements called dance.

At that time, it really satisfied me because when I'm on the dance floor I felt free to release something inside of me.. (ha.. like I'm possessed - perhaps!)

The inner groove and the obedient side are both me. But music and dance = lack of inhibitions and that caused an extreme expression on the former.

Okay, all this was before I came to the Lord. After coming to church, I started to see. Because of how I am, music seduces me into becoming a different person from who I normally am. If you've seen me dancing in the past to songs like that one from 'moulin rouge', you'll be quite shocked! :) Praise God! All things have passed away... no condemnation for the past!

The Lord has restored me. I no longer have the desire to club as I did in the past. Get no satisfaction anymore. :)

Well, I tried. Since I came to church, I've been to clubs about 3 times to see whether it was the same.

Why 3 times?

I didn't change overnight. It became less and less satisfying. When Jesus becomes living waters to me, all other forms that previously satisfied becomes stale.

So is clubbing wrong? Not unless, you're like me, who based the expression of my identity and life's satisfaction on it. :D Wah, sound so serious right? Look, I'm the minority here.

Although there's nothing wrong with clubbing, as we grow in Christ, it'll lost it's allure after a while.

A sister told me once what her dad, a non-believer said once.

"When you go to the club, look all around you." A group of people dancing.

"Look around you, and just mentally switch off the music. What do you see?" The dark places, the flashing lights, the smell of alcohol and smoke, the writhing bodies on the dance floor.

"Looks like hell, doesn't it?"

The last time I went clubbing was after our company's year-end bash. And I remembered thinking to myself, "isn't it strange that I must first get a drink before I'm able to enjoy myself?"

I realised one must be tipsy to enjoy the night life. Why? 'cos no one in their right mind would! haha..

2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

I was considering going this Friday actually. But did not because of some obligations owed. However, thinking it over, I'm reminded of my feelings the last time I went and the reasons I felt that way.

This article is not meant to censure lah. If you want to go, GO! :) Believe me, after a short while, you'll get tired of it.

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